I (F22) was having a conversation w my bf (M24) and he told me that he craves sex more when he’s single than in a committed relationship bc he likes the chase and the validation he gets from hookups. Don’t get me wrong–he finds me v attractive and enjoys having sex w me but he said he doesn’t feel it’s necessary all the time bc he enjoys doing other things w me like just hanging out/going out to do stuff/cuddling/etc. In his past relationship, he went several months without having sec which I feel like is a lot. I feel like I crave sex more when I’m in love, though. How do you guys feel ab this matter?

  1. Not everyone responds the same way to sex.

    For some, not getting any makes them chronically horny and frequent sex calms them down. For others, long periods without sex decrease sex drive, while finally getting some turns them on.

    You might the latter, he could be the former type.

  2. I’m like that, F38, whenever I’m in a relationship my libido goes off the chart.

  3. Not specifically related, but I found the book Mating in Captivity to be very informative. It’s about how to maintain passion in a LTR but touches on many things.

  4. I’m a man and I crave sex way more when I’m in a relationship, like waayyy more.

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