I’m a 26 yo guy living in London since 7 years. I just would like to know how would I be treated outside the big city if one day I’ll decide to move somewhere else in england.

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  2. I like the Italian accent and would be interested to hear about where in Italy the person has come from if I met an Italian. And that’s about the extent of it. I don’t think you’ll be treated much differently to anyone else, and you’ll probably be treated the same as you have been in london.

  3. There are idiots and dickheads everywhere in the world and God knows we have our fair share here in the UK!


    I think generally, we love Italians, we love the food, love the culture, history, love the people (well I do personally having visited Italy a few times).

    Just be yourself. If people don’t like you, they aren’t worth knowing anyway 🙂

  4. I work with a few Italians in Manchester, they’ve never said anything to suggest they’ve been treated badly because of their nationality

  5. I personally love Italy, the culture, football and food. A lot of people here do, in general I’d say you’ll have no issues at all

  6. You will be fine. There are Italians all over the UK. Manchester and Glasgow in particular have big Italian-born populations, and even larger populations of ethnic Italians.

  7. There are idiots everywhere who’d find a reason to give you a hard time, but most people are friendly. I don’t think outside London is much different culturally, apart from people aren’t in quite such a rush all the time.

  8. You’ll be fine. I live in a rural part of the south west and there is a surprisingly large Italian community – mostly from prisoners of war who settled here.

    I don’t think there’s any negativity towards Italian people at all in this country, aside from the odd moron but that’s the same anywhere. We’re very fond of your food (or our interpretation of it anyway) and people will probably like your accent.

  9. Every Italian i’ve met in the UK has been incredibly outgoing and super friendly. Great country too, hard to beat the food, scenery and history.

  10. ci sono tanti italiani in regno-unito, dove io abito, penso che sia piu genti italiani che ingelsi

    per me, mio padre e milanese, lui era qui x trent’anni, e c’era poci problemi.

  11. In my experience (living through my partner who moved here from italy when she was 21) it’s positive. Also brings out some subtle racism, I’ve seen people be guarded around her until they learnt she was Italian.

  12. I live in Liverpool and my Italian acquaintances have nothing but nice things to say about the people here.

  13. Why would you think people outside London have a problem with Italians? Contrary to what you read on Reddit most Brits aren’t neanderthal racists. You’d be fine anywhere. Probably get some gentle mocking when there’s an England Italy match, but that’s how you know your fully accepted.

  14. I know Italians here. They always have a big smile and enthusiasm for all things, but especially food. They’re very popular.

  15. I find it a little strange that people from other countries feel they need to ask this question of us. I think you would be absolutely fine, but then I don’t care where anyone is from.

  16. Fine, there are Italian communities all over the place, some going back a long time. A decent number went to places like the South Wales valleys which is far from a “big city”.

  17. You must have loved a very sheltered life for the last 7 years if you think people are going to judge you differently because of your nationality or you’re one of those weirdos who think everyone outside of London are rural bumpkins who find the concept of diversity to be strange and scary.

  18. You’ll be fine in most places in the UK, though if your an Italian of a darker skin tone , some people might mistake you for a Pakistani.

    So it be best to avoid council estate areas in towns of your of a darker complexion , a mate got stabbed as teen.

  19. My grandmother is an intolerant racist with a major superiority complex.

    Even she loves Italians.

  20. I would probably be very confused as to why someone would ever move away from gorgeous Italy to be in the UK haha

  21. I wouldn’t care. At most I might think, “Huh, unusual accent.” And that’s it.

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