I’ve had a couple of long time friends now and in the past who no longer reply to my messages, just look at them no response and do not want to hang out anymore. Not sure why but if your not interested in being friends anymore, just tell me. It’s not hard and I’ll appreciate the honesty. I’m an eccentric so some of my key traits are that I am nonconforming and don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks.

  1. It could be that they don’t dislike you, and don’t feel the need to cut you out of their lives completely. There are people that I don’t necessarily want to hang out with one-on-one but if they were at a party, I’d socialize with them. I don’t feel the need to tell them that outright.

    But they are sending a message by not replying to your messages, so I’d back off a bit. Don’t initiate contact and see what happens. Or… if you do feel close with one of them, you can ask them “I notice that you haven’t responded to my messages, is there something going on?” and see what happens. These conversations can get uncomfortable, so you can decide if it’s worth bringing up or not.


    ETA – I kinda skimmed over your last sentence. But it’s important. I think if you go around acting like you don’t give a fuck what other people think…. that might explain why people just don’t respond to you. Why would they tell you if they have an issue with you if you don’t give a fuck? Why would they bother to respond to you?

  2. I know this too well, just 2 days ago I literally just asked someone why we aren’t really friends and they took the time to answer me. It helped me a lot and wasn’t even what I expected. Just ask them. You don’t really have much to lose

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