What was the “blunder” of your life?

  1. Got an opportunity to study abroad and get away from my family. Did not take it for the sake of my mother – I’m her only support.

    I regret it a lot and always wonder if my life would have been different had I chosen that path.

  2. Most of the “blunders” that keep me up at night are like *the most insignificant thing* and nobody probably even remembers the experience but me.

  3. I was invited to study abroad for one semester, everything paid. Didn’t go just because it required you to be able to drive. I do have a driving license, but I’ve never drove a car past my exam. Instead of taking a few lessons, I just refused.

  4. I had the choice of doing intelligence or intepreting when i joined the Navy and I made the incorrect decision. Wish I could go back frequently.

  5. Probably being closeted until my 30s even though I had a pretty good idea in my teens but lack of knowledge and big dose of repression.

  6. Staying with someone who clearly did not have the same values or life goals as me. Allowing her to gaslight me into thinking our problems were all my fault. Allowing her to manipulate me into having a kid when I knew we weren’t ready financially. I lost the most valuable years of my life, damaged friendships, and never really got my career off the ground.

  7. Dropped out of high school at 17, moved 2,000 miles away, married a guy I had only met in person twice. Divorced in less than a year.

  8. My dream college was a private school in Chicago. I worked hard in school to make sure I could get a scholarship, and received my tuition paid in full. The problem was that I didn’t anticipate room and board being so expensive for out of state students. My mom kept reassuring me that she would figure it out and I would be able to go. I was a foreign exchange student at the time (also on scholarship) and wasn’t able to call the school myself, so I just trusted her to handle it, which was a big mistake. I did my best to contribute by applying to external scholarships and grants but only received a few.

    I returned home at the end of my exchange, was promptly told that not only would I not be going to my dream school because we couldn’t afford it, but that it was too late to apply anywhere. My mom had essentially trapped me (very abusive home situation). I never should have believed her. I should have applied to backups before the deadline. I ended up at a very small state school and did graduate eventually but trusting my mom to handle that changed the trajectory of my life.

  9. Being with an abusive man when I was 17 because I had a shitty upbringing that I was trying to plaster over. Resulted in a complete and total distrust of everyone, PI:s following me and a fantasy of faking my own death. It’s pretty crazy but it’s made me empathetic, and I’ve learned to stand up for myself

  10. I thought being criminal was cool when I was young, and it’s just been pain and suffering since

  11. Dating/getting engaged to someone who turned out to be a drug addict. But on the bright side, I didn’t marry him, have children, or share bank accounts with him (or anyone else!).

  12. It has always, always, always been the same.

    I stayed for too long. I should have dumped him sooner. Sigh…

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