Ever since middle school, people have been scared of me. The insults I received in the 6-12th grade were a demon, devil, terrorist, stalker, witch, Undertaker, and voodoo priest. I’m not black btw, the kids at my school were just Haitian and thought I did Voodoo. Anyways, I thought after I left school and joined the real world it would go away. I thought if I stopped wearing black it would go away. It did not. I still scare people at the age of 24. People think I’m angry all the time. It doesn’t help that I’m shy and insecure lol. I get asked if I’m mad a lot. Someone once described my stare as “intense” which is a nice way of putting it.

My own family says I look scary. This look runs in on my dad’s side of the family. I have naturally deep-set eyes that cast a shadow and make my eyes have dark circles. I’ve tried concealer before, but it makes me look weird and I don’t like it.

How to seem more approachable and look less scary?

  1. If you’re making eye contact with somebody, I think it’s good to try smiling at least once during the interaction. It’s ok to say hi or to ask people how it’s going (with a smile). You don’t have to smile all the time or be super bubbly, but if you make it a priority to at least have a few friendly moments with people, it may change how they see you.

  2. I can relate to people complaining about my resting face. I have a resting bitch face and people say I look mean, mad or I give dirty looks/side eyes. But that is just my face and I don’t mean to come off as rude. After staring the mirror for a while, I realized that my my eyebrows are low and my eyes naturally narrow, making it look like I’m glaring. So now whenever I remember to do so, I make a conscious effort to raise my eyebrows(in a natural way), open my eyes, and slightly smile when I’m around others.

    Also maybe if you posted a picture of your resting face we could help you more

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