I feel like my whole social life and life in a way has been on a constant journey to merely fit in. I didn’t care what I had to, how I was supposed to do it. I literally just wanted a common interest or hobby where my friends and I would enjoy it in all its glory to my hearts content (and theirs too).

I’ve also gone through changes recently. For example, not being religious anymore. That had a fairly large impact on my social life. Lockdown also had an impact on my social skills.

I do have friends at the moment. But because of my lack of socialising and lack of number of friends I just feel empty. Everytime I talk to a group of people more commonly than usual I have little daydreams of us being the best of friends later on in life.

For example gaming was a big FOMO (and still is). Not growing up with certain games/movies/shows. I don’t know how to explain it but my mindset has changed a lot. After going into atheism and nihilism, I constantly think my life is on a timer. I always say shit like I’m on a 80 year contract and that I need to accomplish everything within that time before it expires.

I just don’t know what to do. I’m currently playing a game I enjoy but find super difficult and kinda grindy (Bloodborne if you want to know). I really want to get a PS5 as there’s more in stock and play some critically acclaimed masterpieces people say a lot on gaming subreddits.

But I also want to get a switch as I’ve never played pokemon. I consider it to be one of the FOMO franchises.

Anyways so I’m not sure what to do at this point. I probably should be focusing on education and other shit but this is making my mind constantly stagnant.

  1. Your biggest issue is FOMO which you are way too obsessed with. There has to be a hobby you grew up with and is knowledgeable. Reading maybe? Why not join a club/organization at school, since you said your focusing on education. It really just sounds like you need to put yourself out there more

  2. It’s time to find new hobbies. As we grow and change as people, we often need to branch out into new interests and social circles.

    You can start with hobbies and subcultures that overlap with gaming, but are more social. Give LARPing a try, or D&D or Warhammer. Join a local cosplay group, or volunteer at the con nearest to you.

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