I went on a 1st date with a girl I met at my gym this week. We were talking at the gym the other day when she asked me how old I am. My b-day was the next day and I told her that and she asked what my plans were. I told her I didn’t have any and then asked if I could take her out and she said yes.

I picked her up for the date and we went to a restaurant and I thought the date went super well. I was super surprised because she even got me a birthday present and cake. Keeping that in mind plus the fact that she comes up to me to start conversation at the gym I thought she was actually into me.

But I texted her when I got home that night just telling her how much fun I had with her and thanking her for making my birthday fun. She replied in the morning and then I tried to start another conversation with her. She stopped replying and I don’t know if I should take the L and move on or send her one last text before giving up asking her out again for this weekend.

Thank you in advance for any advice.

  1. She sounds into you. Ask her out again. Some girls don’t like to text that much. If she says no or cancels with rescheduling then move on

  2. I’d normally agree with the above poster, she does sound unto you. But, if you get ghosted will gym will be weird? Could you chat in person at the gym instead? They say a tip to the initial part of dating is to not come on to strong. But I just did whatever I wanted when I dated and paid no attention to the games, delayed text messages and date rule stuff. She’s approached you at the gym so it leave it and do it in person

  3. Text her and wait 2 days. If she doesn’t reply then delete her and move on.

  4. She might be waiting for the committee to give their thoughts on the date. Her friends may have over analysed the date from her account and now she is considering if she likes you. Never underestimate how much that committee will interfere and ruin your chances.

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