I keep letting slip about events or parties in front of people who weren’t invited which has caused many awkward situations that haunt me at night for years even when I was bailed out by smarter people.

It seems like everyone else knows when to keep things secret and when not to and I’m starting to think it might be a me problem because I get so excited and want to talk about it to other people who are also going without realising that certain people are in the room or that they are not supposed to know that it is happening.

Its something I feel awful about because its awkward for me but the host will be the one getting into trouble if that person happens to be the pushy or sensitive type.

Honestly even though its been a bad habit for years now it has taken a whole new pressure in the adult world because of weddings where a couple people in the friend group or office were not invited and meetings where I let slip details that the cilent shouldn’t know.

The solution is probably to keep my mouth shut but even when I’m conciously trying very hard to not talk about it my guard goes down and I’m letting it out again or even months down the road when I reference something that happened during the event.

I’m scared people will stop inviting me to things or leave me out the loop because of it…. sometimes I really just didn’t know a thing was meant to be kept secret but it seems like everyone else does.

1 comment
  1. Don’t share other people’s stuff. In general stick with that and you can’t go wrong. If they want to talk about their stuff THEY will bring it up. If you’re talking ABOUT someone who isn’t there, keep it positive and complimentary, and again, don’t share info. It isn’t yours to share.

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