I have turned 20 recently. What is something you’d want to tell your 20-year-old self?

  1. Life is full of surprises. Learn to be flexible and laid-back when unexpected things pop up. Your stress levels, sleep patterns, and anxiety will thank you later.

  2. Wear slim fit jeans instead of boot cut. Spend like $100 total on a bunch of simple v neck shirts instead of wearing printed tees all the time. Get a haircut. Shave regularly until your beard isn’t super patchy, then grow it out if you want.

    I made a lot of appearance mistakes when younger

  3. Save money, just about *any* amount of money now, even 5%, automatically invest it and you’ll be rich by the time you’re in your 50’s like me.

  4. Emotional intelligence is a form of intelligence too. You can be the smartest guy in the room and still look like a complete fool.

  5. Stay single until you hit 26 and travel. Live in a different country for at least 2 years.

  6. Your life is going to piece itself together a lot faster than you think it will. Things you don’t think matter right now (like working that “dead end” job, growing apart from old friends, etc.) are shaping you a lot more than you realize. You’re young enough that you have the choice to approach those things with a growth mindset or a fixed (and ultimately entitled) mindset. At 30, you’re going to look back and realize how those seemingly pointless things actually created your path and by that point you’ll either be 10 years in to fulfillment or still struggling to start your “day one”.

    It’s vital to work on approaching everything in your life, socially and professionally (even “dead end” work), with growth-oriented sense of humility, responsibility, and work-ethic. The opposite is to find yourself increasingly creating a negative feedback loop of bitterness and, ultimately, entitlement that will set you back years.

    To break this all down in more tangible terms, as a business owner that got started at 23 and now making six figures, not doing the heavy lifting anymore, and completely debt free – your attitude toward cleaning the bathroom at your fast food/retail job is going to say more about your future prospects than most other things. If you can’t approach that task with a sense of humility now, you’re not going to be able to discipline yourself to take life’s greater challenges.

  7. Fuck as many women as possible before you get married. Once a girl marries you then you’ll be lucky to get it twice a month.

  8. Nothing wrong with a trade, nothing wrong with college, but stick to it.
    DO NOT rush into things with any women.

    Don’t kill yourself for a job that would replace you in a heartbeat.

    Enjoy the little things, because one day you’ll look back and see they were the big things.

  9. Invest in crypto

    Too late for that but invest in something at least

    And keep in touch with your school friends as best as you can

  10. Are you in college? You want to start looking into your university’s career center and job fairs and stuff at least a good year before graduation. Jobs don’t come to you; you have to do legwork in advance.

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