I might go grocery shopping tomorrow for the first time in months. I’m awful at small talk so I don’t have a lot to say. I should mention that I have RBF and I’m extremely self conscious about it. I almost feel like I should say something to prove that I’m not as cold as my face makes me seem. I also have social anxiety which is the reason why I haven’t gone grocery shopping for a good while. Am I overthinking it? Is there nothing wrong with saying nothing besides a hello?

  1. Yes. Good practice. I generally ask “how has your day been”? If you have no one behind you, you can ask my favourite follow up question. “haven’t had to deal with any assholes today”?

  2. Smile and say hello, then follow their lead. Keep responses vague and pleasant, then say thank you and wish them a good day.

  3. Tbh just say please and thank you and you’re already more pleasant than half the people cashiers encounter in a day.

  4. Honestly you’re overthinking and if you really think about it its pretty narcissistic to think that out of hundreds of people they ring up that day that you are so special that your small talk is going to be so important to them.Just say hello, thank you and go about your day and if you feel like commenting or complimenting them on something about them go for it. Its not going to hurt their feelings or matter to them whether or not you make small talk.

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