There is currently a petition put forward to place trans and gender diverse people on the list for approval as political asylum seekers from America. If this got up, what do you think the reaction would be from Federal and state governments and people in general?

  1. That it is another one of those “look America bad please ignore our own discrimination issues” going on in another country.

  2. Why? That just sounds like “america bad we’re a liberal haven” virtue signaling.

  3. Meaningless unless they are going to also give them money to move and be able to afford to live while in Australia.

    Not that many trans people feel the need to leave. Much less leave to Australia which has it’s fair share of issues regarding trans people. Here are some news from Australia from the last few weeks.

    * [Police investigating after trans women assaulted, robbed at Port Melbourne dance party](
    * [Christian Thugs Attack Nonviolent Trans Rights Demonstrators at One Nation Rally]( (this was last week)
    * [Dramatic scenes as anti-trans protestors throw Nazi salutes at LGBTQI activists as ‘transphobe’ UK speaker continues her controversial tour of Australia]( (2 weeks ago)

  4. It would be a media circus, probably viewed as political revenge for the submarine fiasco, and quite a few elected psychopaths would be screaming into the nearest camera, but the long term affects are *likely* minmal.


    In 1974, a wooden bridge that was the only means to access the town of [Vulcan, West Virginia](,_West_Virginia) collapsed. After three years of unsuccessfully trying to get funding to replace it, the town reached out to the Soviet Union by formally requesting foreign aid.

    An hour after a Soviet reporter showed up to survey the problem, the Virginia legislature passed a million dollars to build a new bridge.

    This *could* be a kick in the ass to get federal action in response due to embarrassment.

  5. Honestly, I wouldn’t have much reaction either way. Having lived in Australia, I know they have their own problems–and I don’t mean that in a disparaging way, I love Australia–just that it’s not exactly a utopia over there, either.

  6. As someone non-binary myself, I can probably help to offer a bit more insight.

    At this point in time, it doesn’t make sense. We need more domestic programs to help transgender people leave more dangerous states that are legislating against them, and move to safer states.

    Because it’s not federal persecution, I don’t think asylum is the right route. Now, if it becomes federal persecution, then I think Americans would be able to apply for asylum with or without a petition. It’d just fall under Lgbt+ persecution. But it’d still have to be very bad persecution for any asylum applicants to be accepted – not to mention the international scandal for a country to accept an asylum seeker from the US.

    My concern with the push for asylum before persecution is federal- and it’s an issue some eu countries have expressed – is that transgender Americans could clog up asylum systems abroad. And there’s tiers of persecution, right? In some states in the US, custody over transgender minors is being threatened. But that’s still something that takes a backseat to the many countries who kill someone for being transgender.

    Additionally, because the US Visa is so strong, I think it’s better for governments to promote other ways to move abroad and for local communities to spread that information (such as the teach English programs in Spain).

  7. I guess they can do what they like.

    I don’t see trans people flocking to Australia but I guess it’s their right if they want to.

    To me it seems mostly like virtue signaling.

  8. Seems odd to offer something to a group of people who are also facing issues in your country. Would be like the US offering asylum to native Australians.

  9. Ooh look. Another post about “America bad, don’t look at our own problems… ”

    Never mind that the idea that gender diverse people need to flee the US is comical.

  10. Just more “look America bad!!!!!” to deflect and distract from Australia’s problems.

  11. Trans and gender diverse people don’t need to move to Australia when they can just move to Oregon or Massachusetts or Illinois or some other place that is already in America and doesn’t overtly/legally discriminate against such people.

  12. They should start with people in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia first

  13. That’d certainly take virtue signaling to a level as yet unheard of, with a commensurate level of “America Bad”-ism. The underlying premises are questionable.

  14. Do y’all still treat aboriginals as second class citizens? Maybe we should offer them asylum in the US.

  15. Australia has a lot of their own issues and I’m not sure if trans people really want to be going there

  16. It would probably be a beacon of hope for the transgender community in the event of a rightward shift in government policy

  17. Go ahead, but what exactly are they requesting political asylum for? There are no laws in the US against trans people.

    There are some laws about surgery and hormone therapy for children, but I’m not sure children are eligible to claim asylum.

  18. I swear, foreigners will circlejerk about how dumb and uneducated Americans are, and then come here and posts gems like this. First, define what the fine line is that makes someone “transgender; second, how do you define someone who is “gender diverse”? The implication, that literally anyone who isn’t straight is implicitly oppressed enough –In the United States of America in current year– to need political asylum. This only sounds like reality to gender rights extremists whose politics is their identity, and Australian ivory tower dwelling hyper-progressive keyboard warriors. This question would be hilariously stupid, if it wasn’t so insulting.

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