My boyfriend (36m) and I (27f) have been dating for about 4 months now. Overall it’s been great and I haven’t had this connection with anyone else. However, since we’ve been long distance – he’s gone back to his home country to sort some stuff out before moving permanently to my country – things have been a bit rocky. My boyfriend is a BIG in the social entrepreneurship scene in Europe, and was moderating a bar camp yesterday in a country. I’ve been supporting him by calming him down, doing his slides with him, practicing with him and generally being there for him (over the distance). Yesterday was the event, and he rocked it – he also made connections with some ministers and got hired for next years barcamp.

I should note, he usually sends me one text a hour whenever he is out with friends but yesterday (he mentioned he was going out with his friends after the barcamp), he didn’t send me anything for hours and I was quite anxious and something felt off. Plus, the distance wasn’t helping (we are Europe to Asia). After a couple of hours of no contact, he called me, drunk, and told me about the day, told me about how great his friends sex life was and he feels jealous (we have a great sex life – or so I thought) and about how he rocked the bar camp. Although I was so happy for him, I was also a bit moody and when I tried to approach him about this, he got annoyed and said “I’m making today about me”, “I’m not happy for him”, “this shows I don’t love him” and asked for space and hasn’t replied to my messages or calls since. We didn’t even talk about how long “space” should be.

Any ideas on how I can calm him down? I apologised for being a selfish b*tch and that I’ll make it up to him, but any idea if I can do anything else – I really don’t want this to be permanent.

TL;DR: Boyfriend(36M) wants space after a fight.

1 comment
  1. You weren’t selfish, he was a jerk. And there’s a medium probability that he did something you won’t approve of.

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