I (f20) have been with my partner (m23) for three years now. In the last few months I have noticed that my partner throws up more often than not after sexual activities. More specifically me giving him oral.
He claims that he just passes out while he’s finishing and his response is to just throw up. Ive asked him what he wants me to do when he’s finishing to avoid this but he couldn’t come up with an answer. I have personally never notice him pass out however a few times I have caught him not breathing (but conscious) and I’ve stopped straight away to remind him to breathe. This is something that has only recently been happening and I’m at a loss for what to do about it. Is this a common problem with guys ?

  1. This is not a common problem. Also, 3 years, did you start dating a 20 year old guy when you were 17?

  2. He needs to see a doctor. This is not normal.
    This is worrisome, especially because it’s a relatively recent development.

    In the meantime, stop going down on him to completion. Until he gets a clean bill of health (and it should include a neurological evaluation) , you should keep your intimate life as tame as you can both stand.

  3. This is way above Reddit’s pay grade he needs to go see a doctor immediately. Vomiting while unconscious can be deadly. Not breathing can obviously be deadly.

  4. Does he have anemia? Diabetes? Anything blood related? Cuz that sound like the brain not getting enough blood or oxygen.

  5. It sounds like he has an undiagnosed heart condition. He needs a doctor, ASAP. This is not normal.

  6. Another vote for visit to a doctor.

    That sounds like a vasovagal syncope of some kind.

  7. He needs to see a doctor. Sounds like he’s having seizures. Also whatever is bothering him that he’s holding in, he needs to get it off his chest and get that guilt out his system.

  8. He needs to see a doctor, immediately.
    There are a LOT of conditions that can cause something like this. Some are very minor and some are critical risks. He needs to be medically cleared before the two of you do anything else, and he needs to avoid ANY activities that cause his heart to beat faster then average, makes him breathe harder then normal, or exert energy above normal resting rate. Even if his heart is okay, it takes one poorly position knock to the head to die. You don’t want him passing out and hitting his head off of a table or other hard object.

    Considering this is only now appearing as a symptom, he needs to take it more seriously then a “wait and see” situation. Rapidly developing symptoms are not things you put off till the last second.

    If something is going on that’s causing him to not get enough oxygen while awake, AND he has sleep apnea, he is at an increased risk of serious health crisis.

  9. Just gonna add on(and this is for every doctor visit): do not tell the doctor what you or anyone else thinks the problem is. Tell them all the symptoms and only the symptoms and let them come to their own conclusion

  10. He needs to see a doctor. I’m a vagina haver, but this used to happen to me. I would vomit and pass out, especially during orgasms. Found out they were just super intense orgasms. But that was after going to the doctor’s and having tons of tests done to make sure I was okay.

  11. Nurse here. This is absolutely not normal. He needs to go see his doctor ASAP. It’s very possible this is some type of cardiac issue. It’s impossible to know without being seen by a doctor.

  12. Nervousness combined with the act is probably triggering his autonomic nerves in a way that also affect his gi tract and heart.

    To help calm those nerves he can breathe slowly and deeply.

    If you can manage this, have him lay down and elevate his legs during fun time. This helps ensure better blood flow to his brain to help prevent passing out.

  13. >Is this a common problem with guys ?

    Yes, this is why condoms will usually come with a coupon for fuck buckets so you can throw up in and the top selling male sex toy is a cushioned helmet. /s

    Tell him to see a doctor before you send him to heaven… Literally.

  14. He needs to see a doctor about this as soon as possible. This is not normal. Passing out, vomiting, and not breathing should not happen when he climaxes. Please have him get an appointment as soon as possible.

  15. That’s NOT normal . At all!

    This is well above Reddits paygrade. Please see a professional.

    STOP ALL SEXUAL ACTIVITY TILL THEN. This could very well be heart/brain related.

    If he doesn’t believe you, show him this post.

  16. He should immediately harvest five cloves of wild garlic under moonlight.

    He should place each clove in five points around the outside of his house in the shape of a pentagram, while chanting Latin under his breath (anything in Latin is fine)

    A bed should be placed in his home in the exact center of the garlic clove pentagram. Make the bed with white linen sheets, have him lay motionless under the sheets with his hands crossed above his heart over a single black tulip for twelve hours.

    Oh but before all of this make an appointment to see a doctor

  17. Yeah passing out and puking everywhere is not normal? Wtf, the guy needs a doctor like yesterday.

  18. Sounds like something is irritating his vagus nerve, like when he feels certain sensations. Someone mentioned mood altering substances. If this is not the case, then definitely see a doctor. Could be a heart condition too. It’s hard to say on Reddit but definitely take him to the ER the next time it happens. My friend recently started vomiting randomly, can’t keep any food down and also has severe trouble swallowing. I’m gonna follow this post to see what happens. Hope you can keep us updated. I’m very worried for my friend too.

  19. That is not normal. He needs to consult a doctor immediately and get thoroughly checked out.

  20. I don’t know about anyone else here, but I wanna find someone who gives me that pass out, forget to breathe and then vomit type of head. Send me to the moon!

  21. You suck him so good he nearly dies… God dam you must have magic powers.

  22. He needs to be seen by a doctor. You won’t get any other advice on here, because this is not a normal response and he needs medical aid.

  23. >Is this a common problem with guys ?

    You can’t be serious.

    AND you both keep doing it. Wtf.

  24. He needs to see a doctor urgently. Like don’t wait, don’t pass go, go directly to hospital. If it’s happening during climax then anything that excites him could be putting strain on his heart. He sounds like a ticking time bomb. Please this is serious. Something is wrong

  25. This could be revealing a medical condition that is so life-threatening that he needs to see a doctor YESTERDAY. He could be a ticking time-bomb.

  26. Reminds me of that one character from South Park when he used to vomit whenever he saw this one girl at school he had a mad crush on.

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