I usually don’t know what to say or that I just don’t feel like talking at all. It kinda has nothing do with social anxiety, and it’s makes friend making really hard for me. What do I do?

  1. I mean…if u feel that not talking is negatively affecting ur mental health then it is an issue. But every human is different in the amount of social interaction they need to maintain a balanced mind. As far as friends…friend making is difficult in general, so def cut ur self some slack in that regard. But if u feel u want to speak ur mind more, then do some activities that make u feel good, and most likely u will meet other people there with mutual interest. Ultimately, don’t force urself to “feel normal”.

  2. It’s okay to be quiet – really, it is. However, being able to converse is an essential skill. I learned how to be a good conversationalist by examining the people who ARE good at conversations, and determining what exactly makes them good at it? It is how they say things? How they hold themselves? Are there any lines or mannerisms I can imitate? Charisma On Command on YouTube is a good beginner course.

    If you’re looking for something more advanced, *Models* by Mark Manson is fantastic. While it is mostly geared toward dating, 85% of what it says can be adapted to everyday conversations and interactions.

    If you have any questions, lemme know!

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