So the advice of “don’t try to be something you’re not” is one that I struggle with, while on one hand I agree with it because I feel fake when I’m not behaving my true self, and on the other I don’t like to behave like myself because I don’t have a great personality, I’m very weird and don’t have the same interests or think like most people and especially ones that I admire and want to be around.

I notice that every time I go into a new environment I make a great first impression with people, they’re always nice and very friendly, they ask questions and try to get to know me, but after a few weeks they slowly get that I’m not a very interesting person so they lose interest, and it seems like they don’t even want to acknowledge me, I know I have to be the issue because it happens every time.

So I don’t have a problem with getting new people into my life, I have a problem with making them stay.

And it’s not like I’m completely lonely and don’t get along with anyone no, it’s just that the people that like me I and do get along with aren’t the people that I want to be around.

Basically I’m try I’m trying to change myself but the people that I actually admire and want to be like don’t really mess with me.

  1. Focus your mind on appreciating what you have, not focused on what you want and don’t have

  2. I’ve felt that way. With some people I date, I have to read a ton of current affairs to keep up.

    But, if you admire these people, why not continue to ask them about their lives and situations? Ask them for advice. Compliment them in great ideas or plans. People love that stuff.

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