Currently in separation and awaiting for divorce to finalize. We are living separately but still communicate due to our child in common. I’m so depressed and lonely though. Our relationship has been over for years, though we stayed married for 11 years. I’m just so ready for someone’s touch. I’m facing a dilemma though, I don’t know if it’s alright to move on with someone new as of yet without all the legal stuff finalized. I sometimes want to break down and cuddle my ex just to have someone there…but I’m also ready for that to be over as well. It’s been well over 7 months since having physical relations with anyone. What to do, what to do!?

Tl;dr basically just looking for advice on to go ahead and move on or wait?

  1. Check with your divorce attorney to see if dating could cause issues until your divorce is finalized. If you get the all clear from your attorney, you should ease back into dating and be cognizant that you are susceptible to rebound relationships.

    Other that that, go for it!

  2. If you’re in most states in the U.S. (maybe all of them ) then it would have no impact except in that it might cause him to get snippy and drag things out. (Happened to a friend of mine). The advice to check with your lawyer is good, just to be sure.

    So if you’re going to do something, keep it discreet and off social media. You don’t need to hide it from your friends or whatever, but … a little discretion is a good thing.

    Morally, you’re in the clear. You’re single in every way but legally.

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