I just don’t like the feeling of being awkward and insecure all the time whenever stepping outside the house when going to an event or at a store or meeting people. Sometimes I just don’t know how to start up a conversation and keep it going. Like as adults, it’s important to have social manners and skills because it sucks when applying for a new job and then feeling all awkward and shy interacting with new co workers and stuff. Sometimes I feel like due to lack of social skills and whatever going inside my head puts me so much back in life. It’s preventing me to try new things, meet new people , ask for help and advice, learning new things and so on. Like I’m just tired of living in this square. I’m so weak minded like if a person says your slow, then I just input in my mind and soul. And that’s how I live life. I just never realized I’ve been taking people words and bad experiences so personal that I never remove it from my system. Instead of learning from it, im indulging and making myself more pity🤦‍♂️

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