29m Last ditch effort to get back 29F

Last ditch effort to See This girl

Basically was in a long distance situationship for a bit over a year, we were extremely close, talked all the time about everything and anything. We invisioned out life’s together and all of that good stuff.

When I seen we would just go on small adventures with me and her young baby boy. We never got into an official relationship but the last time we seen each other which was new years 2023. I got home and started to think of what the next move was, 2-3 weeks goes by and she admits she seen someone else after I left and it was starting to get kind of serious. Idk how if they only just met and she apparently loved me so much?

Ahe also said things like she is going to regret this for the rest of her life, I was perfect for her, she still has feelings for me etc.

Anyway in the mean time I was constantly telling her how much I love her and I’m ready to make the move to her(I have literally nothing holding me back from there I’m living). She kind of kept playing it off and saying idk yet blah blah, but also sometimes would say ok maybe this weekend we meet again but then she would snap back out of it, she would still message me all her problems and emotional stuff with her family or baby.
I kept sending her gifts and other little things to keep showing her the man I want to be for her. She loved the flowers and said she can’t wipe the smile off her face.
Anyway a couple weeks ago she put up a pic on fb with this other guy and now on weekends(presumable when she’s with him she pretty much ignores me) but on weekedays(presumable when he’s at work) she talks to me all day and even calls me.

I organised her car to get serviced last week because it way over due and I wanted to help her out( again being the man she wants to her). But I can’t help think why can’t her ‘bf’ do that. But I bite my tongue in hope it’s showing her how much I’m there for her.

Anyway I still have alot of hope one day she will turn around and come back to me. This weekend I think I’m going to do the 22 hour drive to personally deliver 2 gifts I got for her and her son. It will either work and she will come out for a coffee or lunch if she is free. Or it will majorly fail. I have nothing to lose. I love this woman so much

Tldr; long distance situationship, met up, not long after she met up with someone else. She says we’re over, I’m still totally in love with her. She says things that leads to me believe I can get her back. This weekend I’m going to drive 22 hours in attempt to get her back

1 comment
  1. reeks of nice guy vibes. if you show up unannounced after a 22hour drive, this will not end well.

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