I am pretty bad at it. I feel uncomfortable and dont know what to talk about.

  1. Start with 1 person daily. The habit is more likely to be sustainable, and you can always up the difficulty later!

  2. Start small: Say hi

    You don’t need to start with big conversation, start small but be consistent

  3. For the love of god, DO NOT just “bE yOuRsElF”! Really overthink ALL possible angles of the situation AND try to objectify people, OR at least open the conversation with an insult! Always expect the worst! Good luck bro❤️

  4. I’d even argue that you talk to one new person a week, depending on how new this is to you.

    Or even 1 new person every time you go out.

  5. 5 is a lot. Start with 1 and just get more comfortable talking to new people. Start by talking about whatever is going on when you meet the person. Trying to start a conversation with absolutely no direction is very difficult. There must be something you have in common with this person that has landed you near them.

    **Alternatively, and probably the best method,** meet people via common interest. What do you enjoy doing as a hobby? Look for groups in your area that have similar interests. This will introduce you to people like you and it will probably lead to an easier time starting and continuing a conversation.

  6. Start small. With just one. And it can be a “hi” or “thank you” if they hold a door or something. Work up from there.

  7. I had a roomate i used to talk to all the time. I talk to friends once in a while, but I miss him

  8. Would just saying hello. How’s your day going count to you?! If you’re good with that being “your talking” to someone, then I would start there. Easy and people will respond without you worrying what to say! Also, I think starting with one or two people and working your way up once you’re comfortable. Good luck. You can do this.

  9. Don’t focus on the amount of people. Especially not 5 for now. Something that may or may not help is starting off with small compliments. If that’s even hard start with even just smiling at people you pass. Making eye contact and smile.
    That might be overwhelming or some and you aren’t even saying anything. It’s the interaction. So I think starting with giving a subtle hello to people you pass or a quick smile is a very good start.

  10. for me, it helped a lot by practicing and talking to myself in the mirror, airing out my thoughts in real time — recording myself and replaying it, checking if i’m the kind of person i myself would like to talk to

  11. Just be yourself and find the people who are in to sama things as you. You don have to achieve 5 nos and also you don have to restrict it to 5.

    Some people dont talk, some people dont stop all u have to do is to just give them a push.
    Upgrade your skills.

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