I was 19 and he was 31 when we became official. We broke up last 2021 for reasons I won’t disclose. I already have a boyfriend and I’m happy with him. I haven’t communicated with my ex nor did I try to reach out to him. Of course, I want what’s best for him and I’m not stopping him for whatever he wants to do, nor do I think I have the right to make a decision for him. I don’t have any feelings towards him anymore and I’m fairly certain that I have no plans to go back to him even if there’s an opportunity to do so. But I just found yesterday that he’s now in a new relationship. I’m shocked to say I feel like shit. Why? I keep asking why I feel this way but I don’t know what’s the answer. Is it possible that deep inside I still have feelings for him? It’s impossible since I have never fantasized settling down with him. Maybe I’m bitter since he is posting his new girl on social media? When I was with him, I had to login to his account to post pictures of me. Silly reason if you ask me. It’s been years and why do I still feel like shit? How do I make this stop? It’s frustrating and I feel guilty because I feel like I’m cheating with my boyfriend, and I don’t want to.

TL;DR : I found out my ex is dating another girl and I feel like shit and I’m confused why I feel this way when we broke up years ago and I’m happy with my current relationship.

  1. Because we still mourn relationships when we see it is 100% officially done. Even if there isn’t a single part of us that wants anything to do with them, it is natural for us to feel a sting when an ex fully moves on, but it doesn’t mean we want them back. It’s a “oh I guess people can get over me” which is just our natural ego, and with a little bit of time you’ll be laughing about it.

  2. Don’t look on their social media it never ends well also maybe you feel this way because he’s displaying different behaviour with her but there’s not much you can do about that plus he’s a bit growse for dating a 19 year old at that age. Redirect your attention to your current relationship and how your life has improved and changed since you’ve been with your current partner focus on your current future not what could have been, as a side note I do wonder if she’s young aswell but that’s just me being curious.

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