What are signs you’ve noticed that others find you physically attractive?

  1. I’ve recently started growing my beard out after three years of having to shave it off for work and a lot more people are complimenting how good I look recently

  2. I’ve been seriously lifting at the gym for the past couple years. I’ve made a lot of progress from where I was before, getting rid of my skinny-fat physique. In the summer I’ll wear tight fitting Hawaiian shirts and tailored shorts, which gets me complimented often. Otherwise, since making significant gains, I’ve noticed women eyeing, smiling and once even grinning at me.

    Otherwise, my clothing choices haven’t really changed but my physique certainly has.

  3. “Why don’t you smile more?”

    While I’m never afraid for my life, women are just as fucking annoying as men when it comes to the smile bullshit.

  4. It’s funny how it’s a subtle thing when you notice it. Usually I notice it about 10min after it happens. But it’s nice. Geese! Maybe I’m not so bad?

  5. I’ve noticed some girls have been striking up conversations with me out of the blue lately, whether it’s out in public or during my uni classes. I still have no idea why because nothing about me has changed much

  6. They don’t.
    I look like Kathy Gifford had a child with Gary Beusy, set the child on fire and put the fire out with a cinder block.

  7. If women starting acting the EXACT OPPOSITE they usually do when they see me. Has never happened….so forever ugly.

  8. People will touch you a lot or press up against you during conversation, it’s usually a common and massive indicator. Sometimes they’ll just straight up tell you. A colleague always used to say “you’re lucky you’re pretty” or “you’re lucky you’ve got that face” if we jokingly disagreed on something.
    Also people laugh at your jokes more and girls’ voices tend to go higher when speaking to me (if they find me attractive)

  9. It was awhile ago, when I was in my late 20’s.

    A lady acquaintance of mine, (friend of a friend that I’ve seen around.) said that my partner and I had good genes, and that it’s such a waste if we were not planning on having children.

    I can’t remember how the topic went there, but I was never close to that person, and it was the first thing I assumed since we didn’t really know each other outside of the hobby group.

    It was a weird feeling compliment.

  10. I went from 2-3 to 6-7 in a couple of years, for me it’s day and night. It’s usually subtle though, I can feel the girls are happy with my presence and me checking them out; as opposed to get guarded for the same things when I was ugly looking.

  11. When random women try start a conversation with me. All be it at a bar, gym, anywhere in public. Never happend when I wasn’t in shape. I’m happily engaged and I let that be known to them. So they’re not wasting their time. Some women mostly drunk continue. I just walk off. And what’s also happened to me is women just lifting up my t shirt and feeling me up on my torso without consent (mostly drunk women) I try to be as polite as possible. I have been kicked out of a bar once for being angry at a women for touching me up. I love looking good. But please do not touch me

  12. When I find our eyes meeting more than twice. The eye perceives what it finds beautiful and will go back to that

  13. Women will usually be happy to sit with attractive men. I’ve noticed this in after work drinks, the girls will naturally be inclined to sit with the attractive guys and even sit very close to them (not necessarily suggesting they are interested in the guy, but are more content to have them within their personal space).

  14. Eye to eye contact. Smiling. Occasionally see their eyes stare at my lips.

  15. Big genuine smiles, stares at me every now and then, goes out of their way to start conversation with me, sometimes a bit of all 3.

    And the rarest sign, straight up telling me I’m attractive

  16. Apparently, when a woman doesn’t look at you it means she thinks you’re attractive and she’s forcing herself to look away. So…a lot of women find me attractive. That’s my reality anyway.

  17. All this shit used to happen to me when I was younger but it doesn’t happen anymore. Appreciate it while you have it I guess

  18. Sometimes when I am naked on top of them and they are naked too I find there are a few subtle hints they might find me at least a bit cute.

  19. Girl: I think you’re cute and we should go out on a date.

    Me talking to myself (25 years later): You know, I think that girl might have been into you.

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