If you could have any fictional character as your best friend, who would it be and why?

  1. Meeseeks from Rick & Morty if it could fulfill unlimited requests without freaking out or ceasing to exist, or just a humanoid version of ChatGPT

  2. Hank Hill, the guy’s honest and generally treats people with respect even if he doesn’t entirely agree with them, and generally expects the same of others, not to mention the patience to put up with Dale far longer than most people would have.

  3. I’ve always liked Ferris Bueller. I saw that movie like five years ago when I was 24. Wasn’t much of a kid screwing around anymore. But man. Something about that movie makes me want to drive a fast car that isn’t even mine.

  4. Andrew Wiggin. Read Ender’s Game and you’ll know more about my childhood than I care to discuss, and more about me than I would ever say about myself.

    He’d understand me, and that’d be enough. We wouldn’t even have to discuss any of it. It would be just understood.

  5. Tony Stark. He could teach me so much and help me to learn mechanics. I’d love to be smart like that.

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