So my partner and I decided to have sex for the first time on Monday. This was my first time ever having sex, but not his. Anyway, we used a condom seeing as I’m not on the pill yet, hoping to get the injection actually. Everything was great, and we ended it with doggy which didn’t allow me to see much. But just when I turned around to kiss him, I noticed the condom wasn’t entirely snug against him, and that it was almost halfway down the shaft. As this is my first time, I wasn’t sure if this was normal and was a little worried. He didn’t say anything so I thought nothing of it, and forgot about it. However, today I told my friend and she asked me if I was insane and told me take a Plan B.

I haven’t actually bought the plan B, but now I’m worried. Am i and my friend being paranoid? Should I just ask my bf? I mean it is possible that he slipped the condom off a little before I turned around.

  1. If a condom is not worn properly, that increases the risk of pregnancy/STIs. It’s hard to understand from the description exactly what was happening, but you should absolutely discuss it with your boyfriend, and consider Plan B.

    >I mean it is possible that he slipped the condom off a little before I turned around.

    If you suspect he intentionally slipped the condom off, that’s a serious situation that is much more concerning than having an accident or a misunderstanding about how to wear a condom.

  2. It could have been yoinked off a little bit as he pulled out, but it’s worrying that it was loose enough for that to happen in the first place. Generally it should be snug enough to stay on with quite a bit of… manhandling, since it’s supposed to be waterproof/cumproof. If you’re worried there was spillage, I would definitely look into emergency contraceptive.

  3. Ok, I might get downvoted, but I say don’t worry. First of all, the condom didn’t slip away completely. Things like this happen, and it’s kinda normal for it to be a bit loose after he finishes (logically, because the erection ceases to exist). If he pulled it out right after he finished, it’s probably just fine.

    Second, the Plan B pill won’t work after 4 days. If you have regular periods, I guess the chances for getting pregnant are minimal even if any amount of semen ended up in you (which probably didn’t even happen)

    Third, Plan B pills aren’t candy. You don’t swallow one for fun. They can cause uncomfortable and serious consequences, so be careful with using them.

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