My partner and I are happy in every way except the bedroom. Just too different in too many ways. We’re trying to decide if it’s something to just let go of, or if we need to change what we like to make each other happy.

  1. Well you should definitely work together to meet in the middle. If everything else is good it’s worth a shot

  2. Sexual incompatibility is a thing, it’s no one’s fault and it’s ok to break up over it.

  3. Depends on what the differences are and the willingness of each person to change.

    Is it an experience issue? One person has more than the other? Perhaps with time the inexperienced can learn.

    Is one member selfish and doesn’t try to please the other? Pretty easy to end it there.

    If it’s one desiring a specific act that the other one is completely against. It becomes a question of respect and needs. Partner can’t go without, probably best to end it.

    Best thing to do is talk to each other about it, whatever the issue is. You both may feel that the relationship is great and can work on the sexual side or both may agree it’s not working.

  4. Almost all relationships require some type of compromise. Communicating and negotiating is key. For a lot of people, the sex gets better the more you get to know your partner, their preferences, how they like to be held, amount of pressure, etc.

    I would try negotiating first if you like the person. If that doesn’t work, it’s okay to move on.

  5. This definitely depends on what those differences actually are. And how long you’ve been together and tried to make changes.

    For example: It is a relatively small sexual act (Anal, toys use ect.) That one of you likes but the other doesn’t? For me, I’d be able to let something like that go.

    But is it something that simply changes the whole nature of the relationship? (Cucking, open relationship). Then I couldn’t compromise on that.

    Still, the best question to ask is: Can I live like this? Is this acceptable to me?

    Even if it’s small stuff and you can’t let go of it, resentment will only build up.

    You gotta ask yourself if you are gonna be happy living with whatever changes or compromises you make.

  6. If you want to be with your partner, and want to do something to make them happy, then that answers that question. If you don’t want to be with them, or what they are interested in crosses a hard line, then that also helps you answer it.

    There is things that I am into that are not my wife’s favorite stuff, and vice versa, but we don’t mind doing them because we want to see the other person happy – that is worth it to us. If I was indifferent in how she felt, then I wouldn’t worry about doing something just to please her.

  7. You need to break up. Sexual incompatibility will ruin both of you.

    Become good friends and leave it at that.

  8. We really don’t have enough to go on here, not even close to it.

    Generally speaking sexual incompatibility will lead to mismatched libido and associated issues. It is a major factor in failing relationships.

    If it’s something both partners are determined to work around by establishing some kind of ethical non-monogamy framework or something similar then it can be done – but it does require a lot of commitment and work from both sides and even then isn’t a guarantee of success.

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