Going on dates, especially on dating apps, I’ve felt uncomfortable several times in situations and wanted to leave but also felt super awkward about that.

Is there any way to navigate this without it turning out bad??

  1. Go to the bathroom and jump out the window.

    But seriously if you’re uncomfortable just say something like you’re not feeling well and then leave. As a gesture of goodwill, pick up the bill or pay your share if you like.

  2. I have a friend call me with an “emergency” so I can nope outta there. I’ve only had to do it twice.

  3. “I need to go, my friend needs my help”

    Or, “I need to go, I have an appointment for work”

  4. I always see the date through even if it is awkward. I only bail if the woman is a complete asshole.

  5. Do you typically like to talk online for awhile before you meet, or do you prefer to meet early on to see if there is a real connection before getting too involved? If it’s the latter, perhaps consider postponing meeting until you get to know each other better? Maybe a phone call(s) or even a video meeting?

    Otherwise it depends on what you mean by uncomfortable. If it’s a matter of not feeling a romantic connection…sorry but you got to tough it out. Try to speed things up to get out of there, and he should take the hint. If on the other hand the conversation makes you legitimately uncomfortable or feel unsafe, no one will judge you for ending things right there.

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