hear me out: I’ve been occasionally having sex almost every week. and lately, im feeling depressed.

i know that i can make my girl orgasm but what tips me off is how complicated my body can be.

she can give me head and make it hard but not ejaculate at all! (ps we’ve tried it. she kept on grinding it orally for 30 mins trying all techniques and none!)

its when we do the sex that tips me off. i can ejaculate after 40 seconds in thrust. after that, theres no more libido drive into it. its all pure muscle work. the thing is, im still hard. since i wear a condom, i keep on thrusting till i feel her orgasm for 2 – 3 times

i need help, i want to prolong my drive till i ejaculate. we both want it raw because it feels different when we do so

what should i do to make me last long for at least 5-10 mins and do withdrawal? i feel ashamed to experiment with her as i might dissatisfy her

  1. Part of learning with your partner requires days where the sex isn’t the greatest. I’m assuming you’ve talked about this with her? You could always try going slower and focusing on holding it back for a while

  2. What I do is concentrate on my girl in foreplay for quite a while. Make sure she has a couple orgasms first. Play with her, go down her. Go inside for a couple thrusts, bit don’t finish. Go back to playing with her. When you finally have penetration, change it up. Don’t just pound away. Pull out for a sec or two. Go slow. Go fast. I usually wait for cues from her or if she actually says. Nothing better than orgasms at the exact same time.

    But sometimes you only have time for a quickie.

  3. Sometimes cumming during oral is hard if you have anxiety. Do you worry about it? Like “what if she gets frustrated with me for not cumming?” “what if she doesn’t want my cum in her mouth?”.. You can ease anxiety by talking to her. Ask if she’s ok with cum in her mouth, swallowing, or spitting.

    You can wear a condom during sex to reduce sensation or wear a penis sleeve to please her more.

  4. You could just be the kind of guy who doesn’t cum from oral. There are some of use out there (me included). It’s just not the right friction, rhythm, etc. to get us there. As for lasting longer, that is something you will have to experiment with. Sometimes thinking of something else works until you are ready (that still keeps you hard during that time), or you need to try a different/slower rhythm. Trial and error will have to be your motto.

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