What’s one male thing most guys do that you wish was more accepted by society? Personally I wish manspreading was more accepted as sometimes it just need more space to breath down there.

  1. Let me sit in silence, I’m not troubled or brooding… I just like quiet sometimes and don’t need checking on.

  2. Is pissing in the shower accepted by society at this point? If not, then pissing in the shower.

  3. Bruh I see a cute ass dog I’m going to baby talk the hell out of that dog. I wish society would stop staring and silently judging because I’m fangirling over an adorable corgi.

    If you read this – I love your dog

  4. Being stoic. Not everything needs to be talked out, not everything needs an overly emotional response.

  5. Doing nothing! Not so much just being lazy, but I make plans for a day of doing absolutely nothing, and it’s how I plan to spend my relaxation day.

  6. Banter. Men cope like that, there is little malicious intent about it, and you will certainly not get it if explained, so just let it be.

  7. Be stoic. If you’re a stoic man people look at you like you’re emotionally broken and it’s like “no, I’m fine, theres nothing wrong with me just because I don’t feel the need to wear my emotions on my sleeve”

  8. Peeing in trees.

    What a royal waste of water when we got a literal natural drive for this. A full bladder, The thick branches, the dry bark, you just gotta give it a little piss; and tree be like “thanks for the nitrogen”, you are welcome.

  9. I don’t know if *most* guys do this, but plenty of men enjoy children and I’m tired of people looking at us like we’re pedophiles if we talk to a child that isn’t within 30 yards of our own child. Or asking us if we’re babysitting while our wife is in the changing room, or various other rude things involving men around children.

  10. I wish society made it acceptable for men to ask for help. Being a gay guy, I had to make up the rules of what it means for me to “be a man.” That has a lot of advantages. Once I realized that asking for help wasn’t “unmanly” I leveled up in life. Whether with a work task, or while going through a hard time, now it seems ridiculous that I used to think that asking for help was a sign of weakness. It’s the opposite. Asking for help is a sign of strength, security and intelligence.

  11. It would be nice if it was understood that just because a guy’s version of self care might be different from the usual advertised things like bath and wine or spa days doesn’t make it any less valid. If a guy wants to spend his time off playing video games (with or without friends), watching sports, tinkering with hobby stuff, or even sitting quietly by himself, why not let him do exactly that so that he feels both respected and recharged?

    I’ve seen too many people throwing shade at stuff we all enjoy just because it’s “childish” to a few ignorant dopes and not enough people from all walks doing much to defend guys.

  12. Not sure most guys do it but I’ve been given strange looks when I shared some stories of my asshat cat. I have a dog too whom I love just as much but liking cats is apparently gay…

  13. Nobody cares if you want to spread your legs out wide. Only when you take away space from other people is it obnoxious. I don’t care if you’re Long Dong Silver, be a good citizen, and don’t make the rest of the men in the world look bad.

  14. I wish more people would strike up a random convo with me in public. If I don’t do it nobody will

  15. I’m not angry, sad or tired. I’m just not a little toddler that needs to smile all the time. I’m thinking, solving shit, doing work, I can’t just be smiling all the time.

  16. Calling others out on their passive aggressive behavior. When I call someone out for being passive aggressive, or a dick in general, all of a sudden I’m “emotional”..? Don’t be a dick

  17. Testicular repositioning. It’s not our fault they move and are affected by the weather…

  18. Being kind to people in ways that can be misinterpreted.

    I offered a lady a ride several years back because she was walking on the side of the interstate in the rain and she just started running away from the highway. I got pulled over about 20 minutes later and asked to step out of my truck (and into the rain) because she told the police I was following her.

    That and just being able to be my genuine self without being accused of mansplaining, not understanding because I’m a man, having my efforts behind any success attributed to being a man, being called a creep because I smile at someone (I smile and nod at literally everyone)…

  19. Hugging. I will hug another man but my very own brother will never hug me. He thinks it’s too feminine.

  20. Going to therapy. I don’t know if this is a general perception or not, but in my experience, every time I’ve told someone I’m seeing a therapist I get reactions that are very gender related. Like, it’s almost always something along the lines of how men don’t go to therapy when ALL men need therapy and God knows what not. Just makes me want to not share that part of my life even though I want to reduce the stigma behind it.
    And I can’t even imagine how difficult it must be for men in AA and other programs. I know my uncle was in AA and there were so many comments and assumptions based on just him being male that were said behind his back, it really made me feel bad for him.
    Personally, if anyone is going through these things regardless of gender, they should be treated with at least some understanding and some respect that they’re trying to make things better for themselves and others around them.

  21. Rough and tumble play with kids. It’s apparently pivotal in a children’s social and physical development and some kids seriously don’t get enough.

  22. Being what’s generally considered “childish”.

    So what I’m a huge ass grown man, if I am somewhere with an echo, I make a stupid plopping sound or greet it by saying “hello echo”, and get giddy when it answers.

    I shocked my doctor while getting the second Covid shot, by asking him if I get a Lolli for being brave, said it more in jest, but after the shocked (and even somewhat disgusted) look on his face I went completely serious… had a strawberry lollipop for the way back though.

    There’s is no more harm to your personality than “growing up”.

    Be curious, be inquisitive, be astonished by the beauty of the world around you, laugh with friends, do stupid yet harmless stuff, get excited, enjoy life!

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