Tldr: I havent spoken to her in like half a month and usually she leaves me on read im to fucking scared of me fucking it up please help.

We meet i thin 5 months ago we chatted in dms she had some feelings for me she vented about stuff to me I liked that but she started to talk to me less i was usually the one who dmed her first she lives to far away from me so i can get to her irl, the last time we talked was half a month ago how ever we didn’t speak much… we had pretty good chemistry i think it was emi romantic but it slowed down after like a month i think, we share multiple friends please help i think im to disconnected

  1. It was a random chat buddy. Considering her age, she probably thought better about flirting with a 14 year old.

  2. man your just too young. This happened when I was 14 and she was 17 on snapchat or something. I was like holy shit she rly likes me. And then poof, gone. Haha and now im 16 but I’m turning 17 soon i cannot even imagine dsting or going after someone that young haha. Ive never dated someone younger than me but I can maybe see why people do it when it’s reasonable and not weird. But 3 years.. man trust me everything will change so much. And when your still in high school she will probably be 20 doing something with her life, with a car , probably a full time job if she dosrnt have one already and bills to pay. When ur 17! Man when ur 15/16 all ur going to want to do is go out and get drunk or smoke and meet random new people, maybe some girls, who knows maybe a gf. And even if that’s not ur thing your just not gonna wanna be tied down at this sort of age with someone who’s in a completely different stage in life to you. Even if you dont go out and do those things you are still going to meet new people and do new things and there will be so many chances for everything and anything else. It’s probably for the best

  3. Kid, go talk to some real people. Trust me, it will be better for you.

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