27/28F – was in a long term relationship for 5 years and recently became single. I don’t know if there are still many single people in my age group and where “people find people” now.

  1. You can meet people everywhere if you put in effort. Work/university/bars,clubs/meetups/gym,other sport venues/parks/reddit/etc etc.

  2. Grocery stores, libraries, online in a billion places, the places you go to that will self select for people you want to be around. Maybe coffee shops, gyms, wherever the places are that you are pleased to be in. Find those other people pleased to be there.

  3. Simple answer = anywhere.

    Slightly less simple answer = anywhere that you make yourself a regular at.

  4. I’m also 27F and I can honestly say that I rarely meet any men in our age group that are intetested in anything serious, if you are looking for a fun time, online dating apps or clubs are the way to go

    Otherwise, try and find people who you can build a connection with first, like through a shared interest, hobby, mutual friends or job – try out the places that you go to, to delve into your interests, especially those you’d also like your partner to have

  5. The program with gyms or libraries is the general expectations, a guy who might approach you in a gym given how women don’t like being cold approached in work out clothes when exercising, means that the guys who ignore that subtext are not the best. Libraries are not great for conversation and there isn’t much activity.

    However, classes at a gym are a great idea since the format changes. Activity boards or events advertised at a library are a good idea. Meetup is also good, the key is to meet people and find someone you might like. Might make some new friends in the process.

    Reddit often has City based subreddits that have people who ask about activities or things happening. Get involved with events where you live. You can also look into volunteering or dating where you work, but both of those have other downsides to them.

    Folks here don’t want to hear this, but if you stay inside on your phone/computer and don’t go out to meet people, you… Won’t meet people around you.

    Lastly women are something like 1:7 to men on dating apps, you really get a large selection of men there so it’s easy to get noticed.

  6. Hobbies == Meet-ups!

    Group runs/ rides, Networking Events, Local Board Game Nights, Toastmasters!

  7. Well. Meet people that you’re actually going to like. Choose a social setting that interests you and go for someone with the same interests.

  8. I like going to Tiki bars to meet new people. I don’t know why but the environment seems more inviting than typical bars.

  9. Honestly, just process your last relationship, before you go into the next one. As a woman, you will not have any difficulties to find a new relationship within a year. Trust me, there are more then enough single men out there, who try there hardest to find a woman.

    If you really wanna find a man really fast, I suggest dating apps for you otherwise find new hobbies, especially social ones, like a volleyball team for example or a drawing class or whatever you like and you will find someone for sure.

  10. Friends.

    I used to use Tinder in the golden ages, but now 90% of people are just farming for followers. I don’t really like to club.

    I usually get invited to get togethers with friends and most women I meet for dates are from there.

  11. If you’re a gym person approach guys in the gym, not proposition, just chat. Guys are taught it’s creepy to approach women in the gym but the reverse is fine. Ask diet & gym questions we love that ,makes us feel smart. Complain about RDLs every guy hates RDLs.
    Another option is a hobby group that is mostly male majority. But prepare to be very popular there.

  12. i have been married for 9 years and am in my early 30’s and can say that the idea of dating terrifies me. like i dunno how people do it. the amount of BS people can say about themselves online is mind blowing. i have trust issues, but if i ever have to enter the dating world again i think i’d rather just be single. as an adult most of my friends come from work, and it is not a good idea to date coworkers….. joining clubs or groups for hobbies or things you are interested in might help (running/hiking clubs, game nights at local bars/restaurants, book readings, exhibits?). it really depends on where you live and what is available in your town/city and what you are interested in. good luck OP!

  13. I promise we are out there. but finding someone compatable and ind the same place seems to be a massive barrier.

  14. 27M, can confirm there are still people in your age group that are still single. You’re not alone. I am here if you need to talk.

    Otherwise, try the meetup app. Find things your interested in and meet new people. If your still going to school……. they usually have a few people hanging around there.

  15. I was in the same boat and recently was surprised by someone younger but more mature than guys I’ve dated our age or older even. Ya never know

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