What gives you purpose in life, genuinely?

  1. For me it’s designing something and then building it and it working like I had planned.

  2. Probably gonna be a common answer but my family. Watching my kid grow into a decent human being and guiding her is a beautiful and rewarding experience.

    Creating a life 10/10, would recommend.

  3. The idea that my potential to the things i want and want to achieve is possible.

    ” The things that i once considered my greatest achievements were but only the first steps, towards a future i cant even begin to imagine.”

  4. My fiancée! She’s the reason I’m fighting so hard to get my shit together.

  5. Purpose is a hard one, I don’t wake up every morning with “purpose” on my mind.

    I guess fulfilment would be the one I use…… at the end of the day, I can look back at what I’ve done and feel fulfilled.

    In that case, it would be
    Raising my kids into great humans
    Providing a loving and affectionate home for my wife
    Making my friends smile and feel loved.

    If I can nail those 3 things on a daily basis…… I’m a pretty happy and content guy.

  6. I believe the purpose of life is to enjoy it. Afaik, I only get one shot at this

  7. Billy Graham said something along the lines of, if he can save one soul, then he has done his job.
    I don’t know if I saved a soul, but maybe information has a reward of its own for those who need it.

  8. The genuine answer is to not become homeless, to avoid pain and experience pleasure, to see reality conform to my will or view.

  9. Seeing myself grow and develop over time, and feeling responsable and proud of that change. Sharing moments of deep connection with others.

  10. I have so many things to do and experience that I haven’t yet. And when I’m having a really bad depressive episode and sometimes contemplate suicide. One of the only things that keep me going is my amazing and sweet boyfriend. It’s really cheesey but he means everything to me.

  11. Nothing. Eons from now, it’ll be like none of this ever happened. At any moment, I could lose all of it. I just don’t see the point in becoming invested in anything in life when it’s all temporal and anything being built towards will one day vanish.

  12. Enjoy life. Im not on some journey to live a accomplished life where people will remember me forever. I just want to play a bunch of videogames, eat a bunch of food, watch a bunch of American football, listen to some cool music, see a lot of boobs and be a good father and husband. Simple as that.

  13. My son, bar none. 3 years ago my father died 3 months after my mom, my son’s hug put everything into perspective.

  14. I don’t really have any purpose in life. I just occupy space someone else could be taking up.

  15. Friends mainly, I don’t really live for myself anymore, it’s more like
    I’m alive but don’t really know if I am living.
    I live to be there for them when they need help, or just want to talk about anything. Happiness of other people is the biggest boost for me and nothing I do for myself comes even close to the Happiness i feel when i can help some random person in a little way.

  16. Nothing important. I just have a sense of responsibility to paying off my debt. If I offed myself it would go to my next of kin.

  17. Curiosity. I’m interested to see what’s gonna happen, to the point where I’m genuinely bummed there will be a day I won’t find out about.

  18. Roasting delusional people online.

    Just kidding, that’s more of a hobby.

    I don’t have any purpose, I’m ready to leave this planet at any moment without notice. I prefer living with non-attachment.

  19. There is no purpose and ultimaely everything is pointless. However you should make your own purpose, live, enjoy life and be kind to others. For me, I just want to live a simple, comfortable life, be happy and stress free

  20. I’m an outdoorsman. My biggest passion is wilderness exploration and survival. Connecting with the world the way God made it, where few men have been. My goal is to embody the different sides of outdoorsmanship and become skilled in hunting, fishing, bushcraft, horsemanship, land Navigation, moonshining, and combat skills like MMA, Shooting Drills, marksmanship and concealment, and unconventional warfare.

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