I’ve been with my girlfriend 16 months. Most of it has been great, she’s attractive, intelligent and for the most part a nice person.

However there are 2 recurring issues which keep causing problems. One is she is very selfish. Planning what to do is basically her spamming with endless suggestions of what she wants to do. I often do stuff I’m not that bothered about if she wants to do it, but she never makes the same effort, e.g. I like cinema, we’ve been about twice in over a year.

The other one is when she has a couple of drinks she becomes very volatile and emotional and it usually ends in some kind of issue.

The selfishness has always been there but really starting to niggle me now. I keep telling her about things she wants to do that I don’t, but she just keeps suggesting them or arranging them.

I don’t feel she listens to me and don’t think she really cares about my feelings, she’s too focussed on doing the things she wants.

Part of me thinks there’s enough there to try and work this through, but also think the selfishness will never change and will probably get worse over time.

Tldr thinking of leaving girlfriend as her selfishness is increasingly annoying, not sure if it’ll be right decision

1 comment
  1. What does she do when you make plans to do something you’re interested in? It doesn’t seem selfish to me to suggest things she’s interested in but if she refuses to do anything you want to do then that’s kind of odd—especially if she won’t “let” you go do whatever it is with friends.

    Like I wouldn’t want to go to movies either but couldn’t you go with friends?

    As for the drinking, have you told her? That wouldn’t be very fun.

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