Before I (30f) met my husband (27m) 5yrs ago he used to go with his brother and their best friend to Busch gardens to smoke and get drunk. It was their idea of a fun outing with the boys. We are married with 3 kids, two of them being 1yr old and the other 2months old. He spends two nights out of every month with the boys and smokes cigars and play dominoes which doesn’t bother me a single bit. I love giving him his space. We ALL need it.

One of the guys invited my husband, the kids, and myself to go as a whole family to Busch gardens and he’ll bring his step kids and his lady. Thought it was cute so I accepted. Right afterwards, they invited his brother and his gf with her kid. This girl is very rude, she’s disrespectfully friendly with my husband and a bitch with me. So I immediately lost respect for her as a woman. She cheats on my brother in law with her sons father. Threatens to commit suicide if my brother in law dumps her. So I told my husband I wouldn’t go if she goes.
Now he says he is going to ask about them just going the boys alone and to smoke pot and drink like old days.
Should I be upset about him leaving planning on leaving the entire family behind to go with the boys alone or am I being extra? Trying to be an understanding wife here lol 🤯

  1. Sounds like you’ll have your hands full. Can you not ignore her for 2 days? If they feel like the women will ruin this for them, this may be the last time they alter their plans to include the women and children.

  2. Sounds to me like he just thinks changing it to a boys trip will be less awkward than cancelling after already agreed to go or asking for the other couple to be disinvited. I think he’s just trying to avoid conflict.

  3. This is the only way to manage the situation diplomatically. The thing about boys trips is there supposed to be relaxing zero drama affairs. Often our ladies don’t get along or have baggage and it can be a downer. I get what your saying about the brothers girlfriend but you introduced a level of drama into the trip that is undesirable by issuing a a power play ultimatum. He can’t not invite his brother. The only way to salvage his relationships is to cut it back down to boys only. Next time realize your position and let your husband know that your uncomfortable but you will try your best to make the most of the trip with her there. It’s their trip and they wanted to bring their families

  4. He’s not the one the one that doesn’t want to go on the trip with everyone. You are. He came up with the least bad solution to the problem you said you had.

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