what do you do when you feel unloved?

  1. I start assuming I deserve to feel that way, and spiral into more lying thoughts that are too easy to believe.

  2. I spiral into my thoughts about being unloved until, I start to think differently and understand that I’m worth more and I deserve to be loved. It’s a work in progress 😅

  3. self care, I work to baby myself so I don’t fall into old habits, workout, get myself a new clothing item if it fits in budget, spend more time with the horses

  4. Unloved by who? Myself? I just remind myself that I only got me for life, and better talk to herself nicely cuz there’s a long lonely road ahead.

    By a family member? I remind myself deep down that they do love me, and would be devastated if I died one day.

    By a lover? Remind myself that honeymoon phase ends and love doesn’t always look the same.

    By a friend? Remind myself that they stick around to be my friend for a reason.

    I just don’t let those thoughts get to me anymore. It wastes *so* much mental power that I’d rather use beneficially elsewhere. Thoughts are just thoughts, let them pass.

  5. Cuddle my kids. 🥰

    Or I tell my husband who usually comes and gives me a big hug.

  6. I take care of myself and do something to make me feel better
    As in having a special day or something

  7. I check to see if I’m loving myself enough first. Emotional regulation. Then, if it does seem like I’m good with myself and want my partner (in this scenario) to show love a bit more how I’d like, I’d do my best to communicate it openly.
    Ex: I want more cuddles during ovulation. Lol

    Humans can show love in many different ways, but if you have a partner willing to listen and not take it as a fault in their part (vice versa), it’s pretty wonderful. You learn and grow more, even as an individual.

  8. I often experience this, even in my circle of friends. That is why I learned to close my heart of any further attachments. I just dont want deep relationship to anybody (except family of course)coz I dont want to get hurt later on.

  9. either starts doubting myself believing i deserve to feel that way orrr pushing away the people that make me feel unloved to see if they really don’t care for me

  10. I _am_ unloved. All the time. Except by myself. I love me.
    So…I do nothing. It is the same feeling I always have, so it’s not really worth reacting to.

  11. Eat some chocolate, have a warm shower, curl up with a pile of blankets and pillows, try and arrange a meet up with a friend

  12. watch Anne with an E

    i feel like we’re very similar so seeing characters like diana and matthew love anne not in spite of her flaws but actually _because_ of her flaws makes me feel better about myself. in contrast with the characters who mistreat her because of those flaws, it drives home the point that just because i’m not loved by some people doesn’t mean i’m unlovable

  13. Whatever the F%^&* I want. And I mean that wholeheartedly. I just say F—- It and start flexing, start doing things I put off for whatever reason, buy those shoes that were sitting in my cart, face mask every night before bed, I just throw myself at myself mercilessly.

  14. I think about all the reasons I’m right, and I let the reason fester. Then I ghost everybody for a couple of days(cuz they don’t love me). But eventually I get over it and everything’s goes back to normal.

  15. Talk to my boyfriend and let him know what I’m needing from him. He steps up and takes care of me.

    Otherwise, watch a sad movie to cry or a feel good movie to cry 🤣 Go for a walk. Read a book. Cuddle my puppers. Get together with friends or even just chat with them.

  16. Detach myself from everything and everyone and do something I love, which usually involves eating or going to the gym!!

  17. Love myself more at the end of the day nobody gone love you more than you !

  18. Smoke weed, pet any and all dogs that cross my path and listen to metal music on full volume.

  19. get away from those people, or suck it up and carry on living my life as normal

    I’m here to have fun not to be loved 🙂

  20. I’m just reminded that the only person who will definitely be there for me when I need them is myself.

  21. Find one of my cats. C’mere you fuzzy little serotonin factory. Help mömther fight off the bad brain juice.

  22. The reason for feeling unloved is because you think you don’t deserve it and/or your body chemicals won’t cooperate. I would start treating myself the way that would make me feel better even if that means a little indulgence like food and beverage. Having time for myself would be another plus point.

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