Not asking how long it takes to purpose , but rather how much time of dating/being in a relationship with someone before you decide “I want to marry THIS person”

  1. This will vary enormously. My uncle proposed to his now wife of 30+ years after about 6 weeks, others don’t want to ever get married.

  2. For me, I dont see that as a possibility after a couple months I’ll end things. I don’t approach relationships in a way others do, at least I don’t think I do. I won’t ask a girl out to get to know her I’ll get to know her then, if I’m interested in her I’ll ask her out. If I don’t see a future for the relationship I’ll be honest about it with the girl and that will be the end of it. So for me it’s pretty early in the relationship that I decide. But I’m older, so I don’t have all that much time left to date with no end goal.

  3. I think it all depends on the person. I can usually tell within the first 5-6 months if I really want to spend the rest of my life with someone.

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