i’ve done anal before in a previous relationship and i really liked it but i felt i wasn’t as prepared as i should have been like clean. my bf now just brought up anal and i said i’d be down but i just don’t know how to get ready for it

  1. You can prepare with a combination of methods. A high-fiber diet and avoid junk food (just google anal diet and you’ll find plenty of articles explaining it in detail). Also an anal douche is helpful getting you clean beforehand

  2. You could get an anal douche and just blast it all out of there a little earlier than the fun starts. It’s an odd sensation but you get used to it.

    I’ve thrown plenty of parties in poop’s house without poop showing up this way.

  3. This is all you need to do.

    It doesn’t need to be antiseptically clean. Using lubricated fingers, wipe the inside surface repeatedly until the fluid is clear (pull the fingers out and wipe them on a paper towel). This action will also lubricate the rectum. Even before wiping, first lubricate the skin outside. Also lubricate the cock.

    If initially it’s hard to open up to the cock, warmup by inserting fingers for a few minutes. Or wear a butt plug for a while before foreplay.

    After the man ejaculates, he should promptly wipe himself off or go and wash up.

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