What are some good jokes for losing both/having no balls?

  1. Your getting neutered op just like a woof dog. Also like a woof dog you may finally be able to lick your own balls

  2. “Kick me in the balls? You gotta find ‘em first!”

    That’s the best I can think of… sorry for your loss though.

  3. i got no jokes other than it’ll be easier for you to sit like a woman now

  4. A man gets into a car crash and is rushed to the hospital. He wakes up a day later with the doctor standing beside him. “What happened? Where am I?” the man asks. “Don’t worry,” the doctor replies. “Sir, you have been in a serious car accident and you are currently in a hospital. Luckily, you haven’t sustained any major injuries and you should be able to go home any time now. There is one thing however, one of your testicles was severely wounded and we had to amputate it.” The man is shocked and saddened that he has to live with one testicle from now on. However, other than that he’s fine and, after a short checkup, he is allowed to leave the hospital. Before he leaves he decides to go to the hospitals public restroom to pee. While the man is standing in front of the urinal doing his business, another man walks in and takes the urinal beside him. Still saddened about his testicle being removed, the man says: “Well… here we are… three nuts hanging in a row…” to which the other man replies: “Damn, do you have one extra?”

  5. You know how there’s always that one guy in the neighbourhood with a pair of brass balls hanging from the tow-hitch of his ute?? Yeh… They ain’t brass

  6. After the the surgery :”I wouldn’t have the balls to go through that again”.

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