Title says it all. Married sex is the best. You’re with the person you care about more than anyone, getting to experience each other in the most intimate way, being completely comfortable.

Not to mention the logistical benefits that come from a married setup. Won’t be up to it after a big dinner date beforehand? Just fuck beforehand. Long day of work coming up? Just fuck before you leave; you wake up next to one another.

In short, it’s the best experience ever always being right at your fingertips. You just have to take time and effort to nourish it.

  1. Other plus, aside from doing it whenever and wherever you want, is the monogamous factor. You never have to wonder if you contracted a disease!

  2. 17 years and not saying it wasn’t good sex…. Hell that helped me look over red flags before eloping.😂😂 but it been so long without a BJ that I figured they went out of style or something. I often heard people talk about them but I was well aware of how folks boasted and bragged about such nonsensical gossip. Boy was I wrong….. they were gossiping the truth…. BJ ‘s ain’t going nowhere!!!! Their as much in style as they were 17 years ago.

  3. 33 years in. It’s still amazing and frequent. The key is making her feel safe and cared for.

  4. 1000% agreed! My husband and I have been married for 7 years and we still fuck like rabbits. My husband’s friends have asked him if he’s bored/tired of me yet and he says hell no. First of all, the intimacy is on a level that no one will ever have with a random hook up or FWB situation. Second of all, he has some kinks that people aren’t into and he knows for a fact it’ll be hard to find someone else willing (nothing illegal/with bodily fluids lmao). And plus I have it almost down to a science how to please him as well with him pleasing me. It’s just not worth it to throw away our love/intimacy for some random mediocre hook up. I had several serious boyfriends before I met my husband and I didn’t even know how sex could truly feel until I got with my husband. There are no words to describe it

  5. Together 14 years married 1 year. Just gave birth to our 2nd a month ago. He still cant keep his hands off me! I just told him how sexy i thought he was this morning while he was drying himself naked infront of me. Took a nap and woke up too him fondling me (very invited cuz i do this to him too. Its our thing we agreed upon lol) one thing led to another…and well you get the picture lool

  6. I’m happy for everyone here who feels that way. I hope you keep the spark alive!

    Unfortunately that isn’t the case for all of us. A lot of us aren’t necessarily sexually compatible with our partners for various reasons.

  7. 11 years in, 3 kids, and we still have BJ Mondays, or the the more X rated version “c*** suck*** Monday” lol.

  8. I just told my husband this. Why would I risk is all for someone that doesn’t know me at all. Why would I risk it all for someone that doesn’t know my body the way he does after 9 years? Why would I risk it all to try things that are boundaries for him? I wouldn’t. It means nothing.

    We may not have sex 7 days a week, but I guarantee the quality of our sex makes up for every day we don’t.

  9. Yup! More frequent and more enjoyable. You know what each other likes and you are more relaxed

  10. 12years together, 5 married, 3 kids, and it’s better and better every time!!

  11. 14 years and it keeps getting better and better! We communicate so much more and that helps so much…talking about sex makes us want to have sex and having sex makes us want to have more sex.

  12. I do agree that married sex (or even LTR sex) is much better than rando sex.

    However, that doesn’t hold true for my marriage because of all the shit that’s happened in my own situation where the sex is medicore at best and I hate myself for it at worst.

  13. Puh Judging from the amount of “no sex anymore” posts, I think you are not the majority. Congratulations on the fulfilled sex life. 🙂

  14. Other way around for me. Great sex life with almost all girlfriends prior to getting married. Totally dead bedroom with my wife for years and it was on life-support even when we first got married.

  15. Oh so very true! I would not trade married life for single life for all the tea in China, been married 51 years, and I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to not wake up next to my beautiful bride each morning or cuddle with her when I close my eyes at night.

  16. 15 years together, we have sex and I’m ready to go again a hour later. I will accept as much sex as he is physically able to give me. It’s amazing.

  17. …and it travels well. Vacation lovin’ from the spouse is pretty awesome!

  18. Not when your husband can’t even do foreplay. He just sticks it in. Never sees why I CANT orgasm, not to mention sex lasts 1 minute. He always wants me to go down on him, yet can’t even do anything for me. Having a foreplay lazy husband in the bed, sucks. I try to do stuff for myself but it’s not easy after a long day being the one to deal with the kids, cleaning.. etc.

  19. I suppose, but everything you said up there applied to my wife and I longgggg before we got married. You don’t have to wait until marriage to create intimacy with someone.

  20. Agree. Also, you know what each other is into and all the right things to do. There’s no figuring each other’s preferences out.

    Yes, that part can be exciting, but the quality of sex only gets better as you figure it out with each other.

    The downside of married sex: my wife knows all my moves and sees me coming from a mile away.

  21. I disagree. I can’t get any sex from my husband, so single sex was far superior to no sex at all.

  22. It’s great that you and your partner share this sentiment. Never take that for granted!

    My partner doesn’t feel this way, and it really hurts. My birthday is coming up and the only thing I can think to ask for is sex… It’s such a depressing thought.

  23. My husband commented this morning during sex that he loves having sex with his best friend. It was so random but also so true! Married sex is the best.

  24. Dang I’m envious of all y’all. I’d agree that married sex is best, but any sex at all would do for me now. It’s been next to forever here.

  25. Sex with someone you love and feel secure and happy with is the best type of sex. Married sex is the best sex only if you are both on the same page emotionally, mutually respect each other, and you become selfless in pleasing each other and meeting each other’s sexual needs.
    Like any other committed relationship if there are underlying issues in the marriage it will have a knock-on effect on the sex life of the couple, and the sex will become a chore, or unfulfilling, or it completely stops and you end up with a dead-bedroom situation where one or both parties become resentful towards each other.

  26. I would love to know what side is the majority: the incredibly lucky married folks who actually have intercourse regularly, or the unfortunate of us married folks who have even forgotten how to spell it. Is it z-e-k-s? Something like that…

  27. I mean, I was married for four years, twelve together. Been separated and divorced for over a year now. It was droll and void of any love, aftercare, even foreplay was gone by the end of it.

    I am having the best sex of my life right now. He does not know my real name and he shows me more kindness and support than my husband ever did.

    So no, married sex isn’t the best. *Healthy* sex is the best.

    Sex between partners with care and attention and mutual respect is the best.

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