I’m so bothered right now. A woman who initially friend-zoned me after dating each other for a month messaged me two days after I told her it’s best we don’t speak anymore since I wanted something more than friendship.

Anyway she texted me asking how I was doing. I texted a bit then told her I would love to see her. She said she was free Friday before 3:00pm so I said let’s meet for coffee at 12:00. She said that time worked for her and so I sent her the coffee place for us to meet at. I then said if anything comes up to let me know, but I’ll see her Friday.

She never responded. I’m upset. What should I do?

  1. Don’t do any more moves don’t text or call her for now if she’s interested she will if she’s not block her and don’t contact her ever again

    Move on

  2. Those are called shit tests. ..she wanted to see if you walked away for real and not simping for her. Walk away even if she wins the lottery, dont look back EVER!!! Billions of women in the world and you let aone disrespect you like that???

  3. You lost this battle. She knew she had you. She got her ego stroked.

    Now, what do you do? Cry about it? Be upset? No. You say, “huh, guess I learned something new about myself today. I don’t need a girl badly enough to crawl back to her a THIRD time.”

    Get it?

    You got this.

  4. Definetly move on. Please don’t even bother contacting her. Its not worth your time and effort

  5. She didn’t respond because saying “K” is a waste of energy. Y’all set up a meeting what else is there to discuss until you see each other on Friday.

    She didn’t friend zone you. She dated you and decided that you make a better friend than life partner.

    She misses your friendship and wants to meet face to face to figure out whether your friendship can be salvaged. You only dated a month, so you need to sort out why you got so invested in this relationship so quickly that y’all can’t just be friends. A month isn’t enough time to accumulate any baggage.

  6. So your text history looks like this?:

    You: How about coffee at 12?
    Her: That works great.
    Y: Lets meet at X place.
    Y: If anything comes up, let me know.

    Did you message beyond that or is that where it sits? She never confirmed location? I’ll admit if that’s where it sits it’s a bit awkward, but not necessarily a big deal. I would probably say message again on Thursday afternoon/evening and say “Hey, we still on to meet at X tomorrow?”

    If you do meet up, you need to be clear that nothing is changed. You’re not interested in just being friends. Don’t let her lead you on.

  7. Why did u make a date after getting friendzoned? She texted u for a hit of the drug called validation.

  8. If you’re going to walk away, then walk away. This girl is playing game man. Send her a picture of you making out with another girl then leaving her hanging

  9. Did she stand you up, or is this for this upcoming Friday? “if anything comes up let me know, see you Friday” is the end of the conversation haha.

    In the nicest way possible, chill yo.

  10. Why not just buy a hammer and smash yourself in the dick with it? Why have boundaries if you just turn around and don’t have them the minute she contacts you again?

    “I texted a bit then told her I would love to see her.”

    Yeah, you lost all right to be bothered when you walk away out of a healthy instinct, and in doing so remove her validation toy, she comes for more friendzone, and you go right back into desperation mode hoping for her attention.

  11. We, the people here on reddit, are usually very quick to advise breaking up when a u/ says something bothered them about their partner, or that a partner is cheating when someone complains about some suspicious behavior.
    But that’s because we don’t know you or her, see? So take the advice given here with a grain of salt.

    Now, in my opinion, you lose nothing by confirming the day before, that the date it’s still up.
    If she leaves you hanging, then there’s your answer, and you stop talking with her.

  12. first off you find out who her friends are and if she has sisters. then you block her and go after her friends. it’s that easy

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