You can’t sell one to fund the other.

  1. Luxury materials as they are life time. And while the rules say I cant sell them for experiences I can sell them for investments.

  2. It’s a tough choice between experiences and material items. On one hand, experiences can be so fulfilling and memorable. Traveling to new places, meeting new people, trying new things – it’s all so exciting. But on the other hand, there’s something to be said for the comfort and security that material items can provide. A nice house, a fancy car, the latest gadgets – they can all contribute to a sense of stability and happiness.

    If I had to choose, though, I think I would go with experiences. Life is short, and I want to make the most of it. Plus, I feel like experiences have the potential to shape us in ways that material items can’t. They can broaden our perspectives, challenge our beliefs, and inspire us to be better people.

    But of course, it’s all subjective

  3. Materials, that way I know my kids would have a comfortable life, if I live a boring life and provide the materials for my kids they can then live the experience,

  4. Material items. I don’t give a fuck about traveling around the world or skydiving or whatever. I’m happy just being at home and doing the shit I usually do.

    Sure as fuck would love never having to work and always having a guarantee for my family’s wellbeing. Coolest stuff I’d buy save for the basics would probably just be a house and a crapton of video games. Maybe a car from this year too lmao

  5. Experiences. Experiences bring growth, knowledge, and wisdom. I may not be able to sell it to fund luxuries, but i can sell knowledge. Knowledge backed by verifiable expertise is the #1 in demand service, especially by mega-rich, competitive, and growing entrepreneurs. I would sell that for luxury goods.

  6. Experiences. Although, I wouldn’t mind a vintage 1967 Porsche and buy ancient art on the secret black market and clone my great great grandmother from a sample of her DNA.

  7. >You can’t sell one to fund the other.

    But I can sell them to fund other things, like paying debts and buying groceries or real estate or on automotive maintenance?

  8. What counts as luxury material items? A car is a functional machine, but it can also be a luxury item.

    Same with a watch, phone, TV, computer, clothes or even food.

    Almost everything has a normal version and a luxury version, so would the question include this, or just the truly extravagant items?

    Also; with experiences, are the cost of travel and the mode of travel included in the unlimited part? Not to mention room and board. Getting into Disneyland might be nice to save money on, but the food and hotel is how they get you.

    Would I also be allowed to get into experiences that are just really exclusive moreso than expensive? Like getting an audience with the pope or queen? Or visiting CERN.

  9. luxury materials
    if i want travel experiences i can buy a private jet, buy multiple houses in all countries i want to visit and get as many cars as id need, so even without selling one thing to fund the experiences i could easily still obtain these experiences

  10. I 100% would go for the experiences. If I could spend the rest of my days scuba diving in the South Pacific and come home to a basic home with my basic needs met, I would feel as if I have won at life. I live a frugal and mostly modest life in dreams of escaping one day like this.

  11. A good car, good computer, good clothes… these are things that improve your quality of life. Not flashy, fashionable shit, just high quality stuff. A winter coat that actually keeps you warm, that kind of deal.

  12. So basically a free house then? Then I can save more money to go on vacations.. as housing is my greatest expense.

  13. Can I bring my friends and loved ones on the experiences or is only solo? If solo, material items. If I can bring people, experiences.

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