No one was at our house but she returned since her car broke. She knocked on my door but I didn’t hear it cuz of my earphones. How should I act from now on? And was it my fault that I didn’t hear it. But I feel like I wanna kill myself!! 😖😖 And btw, I’m 21 y/o

  1. You should act as if you put a fucking lock on your god damn door aka put a lock on your god damn door!

    Or you can just move to europe.

  2. Maybe don’t watch porn at other people’s homes from now on. Otherwise just be yourself, turn that shame into attitude!

  3. Get a door wedge and push it under the door when you need “me time”. It won’t stop someone who’s determined, but it will make it more difficult to push the door open – giving them a clue.

    Was it your fault? I’d lean towards yes, if you can’t lock the door then you should not put yourself into a position where you can’t hear someone trying to get your attention.

    As for “what to do now”, that’s going to depend in part on how your relative feels about watching porn in their home. If they consider it disrespectful because of their beliefs, then you’re going to have a much harder conversation than if they don’t care. For now, in your shoes I probably wouldn’t say anything unless they bring it up.

    Edit: You can even get them with an alarm [](

    Edit 2: This one looks like you can practically lock the door with it

  4. This happens – it’s something many of us had had to deal with at some point. Take a deep breath and relax. Treat your relative the same way you always treated her. You don’t need to say a thing – or you can simply say, “sorry you had to see that, I thought I was alone.”

    Neither of you did anything wrong – it was just a mistake. Remember that most humans masturbate – even relatives.

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