I (afab) am transitioning to male. I got a laproscopic hysterectomy on the 23rd of March. And I have to wait 6-8 weeks after to have penetrative s*x. I want to now but I am so scared I am going to rupture a stitch or something and also like even if I wait I could rupture a stitch. Just overall scared
Also after waiting this long, will s*x be painful? Aha I’m just really nervous and pent up lol.

  1. I’d ask your doctor before asking people on Reddit. Im comparing apples to oranges here but I broke my back a few years ago and couldn’t even jerk off without it hurting like hell, eventually I couldn’t wait anymore and had my wife ride me for like five minutes and I wish I hadn’t. It still healed but it still hurts when the weather changes quickly, usually when summer turns to fall or fall to winter.

    TL;DR: call your doctor for clarification or hear it until you’re completely healed, if you don’t you’ll probably regret it

  2. Believe what the doc said. I do gynecological surgeries too. Many people come back with ruptures bleeding while having sex

  3. Unfortunately they’ve already given you a timeframe so you’d be unwise not to abide by it. Are you able to get off via external stimulation without it hurting?

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