I’m trying once again to make a real effort to not talk about myself in conversation unless it happens that I’m being asked my opinion. I find that I’m often dominating conversation with my own thoughts, opinions, and it’s exhausting I’m sure for the other person. We all wanna talk about ourselves for those dopamine bursts but reaching true connection and understanding with a person requires give and take. I think I’m bad at this so I want to do this exercise meaningfully.

Has anyone ever tried doing this and what sorts of results did you get? Thanks and please wish me luck!!!

1 comment
  1. You’re very insightful! And I agree. It’s very very rare to have a 50/50 conversation. I get more dopamine from that than I do purely talking about myself.

    I suggested to another Redditor yesterday that they work on asking questions, with the intent of asking a follow up question based only on the info provided in the first answer.

    This forces you to be present and actually listen and it forces your brain to focus on the information you’re RECEIVING rather than the information you want to TRANSMIT.

    It’s a paradox. Because you’ve shown pointed interest in someone else, it actually creates a perception in the other person that you’re the interesting one.

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