Weird question. Idk if It makes much sense. But you know when you are walking with someone and instead of holding your hand they kind of lean into you and hug your arm while walking?

This happens to me all the time and idk wtf I’m supposed to do with my arm. Just leave it hanging down? Sometimes I put my hand in my pocket so it’s kind of like interlacing arms. This is the only situation where I feel weird af bc I like the intimacy but the position feels awkward to be in. Am I stupid?

Pls advise, thx.

  1. The hand in pocket is a good one. Casual but you’re not walking around like a straight pencil having this girl cling on to your straight arm.

  2. Definitely put it in your pocket to create that space for them to be comfortable and just enjoy the feeling.

  3. Yes you’re stupid lol.

    Position urself so it’s comfortable. I love when my woman put her head against me and leans and walks with me. I almost always will have my hand in my pocket or she would’ve already wrapped her arm around mine so I’d just find a place to put my hand.

    Yes. You’re stupid. And I’m stupid for spending time typing this. And the Redditers That read our back and forth are also stupid now. Thanks. Now we’re both stupid people overthinking hug walks and talking about it online lol 😝

  4. Amputation didn’t work, huh?

    Try holding her hand or putting it in your pocket or folding it in front of you.

  5. I get it, this used to make me feel awkward as well (I also never knew what to do with my arms/hands when dancing, I’m more of a leg guy) but in truth nobody cares. Like literally, ***nobody at all is paying attention***.

    So, just do what’s comfortable. If you don’t like them holding your arm at all because nothing feels right then tell them that 🙂

    For me, letting go of the anxiety helped me just stop caring and now having my partner hold onto my arm is the most lovely way to walk down the street because I can let my arm just be there for them and it requires absolutely nothing from me, but provides so much for her.

  6. When I do this, most guys either put their hand in their pocket or across their chest. I love when they use their other hand on my hand in their elbow.

  7. Pull the arm nearest to her out of her death grip and punch her in the throat with it, or put it around her shoulder

  8. ….I’m just realizing how much I do this and how reasonable your question is oh no. I’ve caused turmoil.

    But yes in my experience most guys leave their arm hanging or when I lower my arms they take my hand!

  9. Put your hand in your pocket and the opposite hand on her hand then when she goes to put her head on your shoulder accidentally lose your balance and smack her in the jaw with your shoulder, then apologise profusely.

  10. Depending on height and arm length, you could put your hand in HER pocket. *Grins* but your pocket works too.

  11. That’s my favorite type of pda, I feel like such a damsel in distress and feminine. Makes me feel protected especially when the biceps are big.

  12. I just let it hang by my side like it’s dead lol. But I hate when they do that cuz it forces me to angle my feet differently as I walk.

    The challenge for me isn’t so much that but rather wtf to do with my other arm during cuddle seshes that’s not around her

  13. You flex your arm so your biceps feel hard and strong.

    And you do not unflex.

    Do you hear me?

    You do NOT stop flexing.



  14. I would immediately stop. Look her emotionless in the eye and then merge my fingers into hers and kiss it. And walk holding hands without saying a word.

  15. The chivalrous thing to do is cross the arm being hugged over your stomach. And the gentlemanly romantic thing to do is cross your arm over your stomach and lean into her just a bit.

  16. So, many of my woman friends do this, one in particular does it every time without fail (not to just me—with all her guy and girl friends and family… just not people she barely knows) because that’s how she feels comfortable.

    Here are your options depending on comfort;

    More suitable for friends

    – place your hand in your pocket if you’re wearing a coat or sweater with a pocket. (Usually most comfortable)

    – keep your hand down by your side and gesture or move your free arm to mitigate the awkwardness of leaving your arm down.

    Ideally for nights out where you’re well dressed

    – place your hand on your stomach (right below your sternum) it’ll make you feel a lil fancy.

    – pull away, put your hand on your stomach and offer your arm for support.

    More intimate

    – any of the above +

    – grab and hold her hand, but in such a way that she stays close. Bonus points if she holds your arm with her other free hand (I have to say this is one of the most comfortable positions where you feel like “the man”)

    – pull away and swing your arm around her (this is probably easier if you’re taller than her) either from shoulder to waist or shoulder to shoulder (this is not the time to be thinking of the bum)


    Seated is a little different but approximately the same concept.

  17. Just leave it hanging. Maybe it is because you are a guy and think you have to impress the woman.

    I as women know that from little children. They cling on your arm when they look for comfort. Nothing to be stressed about. It is the same when a woman is doing it.
    Do it like me.
    Just leave her dangling on your arm. It is her problem not yours, weather or not it is comfortable.

    Same as with kids. If they feel it is fun leave them. Why bother? If it was uncomfortable they wouldn’t do it.

    You were a child as well. Didn’t you cling and hug on your parents arms sometimes when they walked around?
    If not and your parents were so cold haerted you didn’t dare, this would explain your insecurity.

  18. Enjoy the moment man.

    Girls won’t be hugging your arm forever.

    That is a treat.

  19. Clearly make it known that with one arm occupied she is tasked with fist bumping your good zingers, burns, jokes and pronouncements of outdated manhood. Clearly.

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