So I’ve been dating this guy for almost a year now and I’d say our sex life is great. He makes me cum and it’s mostly fun when we have sex. He even started making me squirt. Since then though, hell comment about the smell and how it grosses him out and he started going faster to avoid me cumming at all. I’ve opted to just using a toy to help myself. I’ve tried everything i could think of to try to improve the smell but I don’t smell anything and actually enjoy the way I taste on his dick. Any advice? I don’t want to lose this guy over something so trivial. I’ve had a healthy amount of partners before and it was never an issue but then again this guys the first guy to ever make me squirt.

  1. As a prolific squirter myself, it’s natural, it feels amazing and you deserve to cum. My current partner was the first one to make me squirt too. There are plenty of guys out there who would enjoy it. And if you decide to move on, you can potentially help other partners figure out how to make it happen.

  2. You deserve better. You shouldn’t have to be embarrassed for feeling good, and his goal should be to make you feel good, not avoid making you feel good. Jeez.

  3. This is a really immature and selfish way for him to handle it. Squirting is natural—sure he doesn’t have to love it but he shouldn’t withhold pleasure from you either. You need to sit down and talk to him very seriously about this and how it makes you feel when he does that. I would avoid insulting him or accusing him of anything but maybe even just suggesting like could you slow down during sex? Could we have times where we focus on my pleasure only? Or just whatever you need to find a compromise. But he shouldn’t be insulting you or your body during this conversation

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