Hello! I’m an 18 years old girl. As you know many people start to date in high school. I usually try to distract myself from couples around me, but the thought of having a healthy cute relationship haunts me when I’m alone and I fear that I won’t have a boyfriend. I don’t hang out so much, I generally stay at home. I don’t have a huge social/ friend circle in which I can meet my friends’ friends. Therefore, I fear that to have a relationship, I will need to have an intention to date while meeting new people and I think it may hinder me from forming genuine emotional connection. Any advice on how can I meet new people? I have Snapchat and Instagram. Many people are added on both accounts, but I hesitate to reach out any as I don’t know how will they react and what do I even say?

  1. It will feel uncomfortable to go outside your comfort zone at first. Do it repeatedly, and your comfort zone expands and that’s how you grow as a person. Make your primary goal to learn. And that means you cannot be afraid of failure because failure is one of the best feedback mechanisms you have to learn. So just try some stuff and fail. It’s okay. Learn from your failures and make slow, incremental progress.

  2. Honestly just go out and start doing things you want to do or have thought about doing. Going out of your comfort zone is a good idea, like say trying a sport you think is interesting or trying to go to dance classes (rumba, ballroom, jazz, etc). I’d even say fencing, HEMA, or standard martial arts would also be good things to look into. The important thing is to have fun, and take care of yourself.

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