Hi, I’m 23 years old

For a long time I have felt like a person with low self esteem, I always had a feeling that I look interesting to someone ever since they talk to me, so I thought that I should change the way I express myself

I have always cared what others think of me, I would like to have a colorful instagram profile, but I am always embarrassed to take photos in public, both selfies and photos of things, whenever I take photos I take them as soon as possible even if they did not turn out as I liked.

For a long time I have been confused about my gender identity, and I had a feeling that maybe it was because I wanted to be someone else to not deal with my low self-esteem problems, I am still in the process of discovering what the reality is.


I had to repost it because there was a misunderstanding in my explanation and it was removed multiple times.


Does this happen to anyone else?
How have they been able to overcome it?
I appreciate all the answers!❤❤

1 comment
  1. Perhaps you should have a debate once… A debate is basically two sides having different/opposite opinions and both sides try to convience the other to accept their opinion, while defending their own. It’s not necessarily a verbal debate, maybe it could be choosing between your moral or principles etc.. and choose which one you want based on your reasons.

    By defending your opinion, you get to have a sense of self, and you can explain your self to others about why you have this opinion. Sometimes the opinion may be bizzare (like why do I have no photos at all in my Instagram), but some people will accept your reasons.

    It’s not that people’s opinions are not important, it’s just that you only care what really matters to you, or other people if it benefits both you and them (or in some cases, you might get no benefit from caring others opinions, but it makes you feel good)

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