There is someone at work who works around but not with me. We know each other’s names but have said less than 10 words to each other. At least once per day he turns all the way around in his seat (180 degrees) to look at me when I’m talking to someone else about things that don’t concern him. I could be misinterpreting his facial expression but I feel like he’s doing it in a “omg I can’t believe what an idiot this person is” kind of way, in response to me saying something he thinks is stupid

Is there a way to politely call him out on this?

  1. Just ask them if you’re doing something that’s bothering them. It sounds like they’re trying to bring your attention to it by turning round like that. Just ask them in a friendly manner as your tone will determine if it’s confrontational or not. Maybe add that you don’t want to be bothering them. There’s also a chance there’s other things going on in their life that’s causing them to be so easily annoyed so don’t take anything too personal. You can decide if their response has merit & whether to act on it but a considerate workplace is always nice.

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