So a bit of a backstory:

I applied for this summer research internship at my school and when I attended the informational meeting a few months ago we were told that a decision letter would be sent to us by mail (like a physical letter) on the first week of April (which was spring break for me). I waited the entire week and received nothing in the mail.

It wasn’t until I went to my professor’s office yesterday (I’ll call her professor A) to ask about an assignment that she told me that an email had been sent over spring break with a hyperlink to accept the offer. She also said that I was selected to work on a collaboration project between her and another professor (professor B). Unfortunately I have taken a couple of classes with professor B and she can be kind of scary sometimes, almost bipolar. A lot of other students say this about her too. I was given until 4/12 to make my decision.

Due to my past experience with professor B, I was planning on declining my offer today anyway because I feel like I would be walking on eggshells around her for the entire internship. In my ornithology class this morning, professor B stormed into my class and basically snapped at me in front of everyone for not checking my email. Rather then explaining my confusion with how I receive my letter, my anxiety got the best of me and I said something else like “I just forgot to check my email over spring break”. She finished by telling me to check my email, apologized to my ornithology professor, then stormed out.

The whole situation left me unable to finish working, so I left class early in tears and went straight to professor A’s office (I was gonna go see her after class anyway). I declined my offer and explained the whole situation to her. She completely understood my situation, and due to her being one of the program directors, she would try her best to find another group to put me in.

I guess all this is to say that whenever embarrassing situations like that happen, I tend to shut down. Sometimes I try to mask my feelings then I feel worse later. I fully understand that I should’ve checked my email during spring break, but I was just confused as to how we would receive our acceptance letters. Is there a better way to handle situations like these?

1 comment
  1. Anytime you make a BIG mistake all you have to do is mentally rehearse the best possible response so you learn the maximum from the negative experience.

    In this case, you lost control of your emotions and were almost paralyzed with fear. Recreate that feeling and practice slowing your heart rate down, finding the warrior inside yourself that is powerful and saying something confident and respectful in return.

    “Thanks for the gentle reminder ma’am but I’m aware of the offer and declining since I don’t think we’ll work well together.”

    Picture her humiliation instead of yours and now you’ve grown stronger instead of weaker.

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