If a person asks you, can you take me to a certain place at 115ish, what time do they want picking up in your opinion.

  1. Depends on how far you are from there, if it’s a 15 minute drive get there about 5-10 mins before that so 20-25 mins earlier. Scale by distance.

  2. I’d ask the person to clarify whether they want to arrive at that time or to be picked up at that time, rather than wondering. And also remind them that I’m not a fucking taxi and to fuck off.

  3. 1:15 then subtract travel time and a 5-10 minute buffer so 12 something. Include additional buffer if they’re the person that’s always out the door 10 minutes late.

  4. The place is 5 mins away.
    So if you get there at 1:08 and they say I needed to be there at 1:15 with a hell of a attitude. You’d be correct to think what the hell?
    And calmly say you said take me at 1:15, not be there for 1:15.

  5. I always hated these math problems. I think the answer is they would get to Albuquerque at 4:30? 🤷‍♂️

  6. Ex-military so if you tell me you need picked up at 1:15 then I’m there at 0100. Where are we going that early, a bar? Your place? I really should be asleep then tbh.

  7. Is the place 5 min away or 45?

    I ask them “if you want to be there at 1:15, what time do I need to get you?” and let them tell me. And then I’m 5 min earlier than that.

  8. Assuming they mean they need to leave at 1:15, I would be there between 1 and 1:15.

    But that is only assuming they need to leave at 1:15 and not be there at 1:15.

  9. Always be 5 minutes before, so pick them up at 0110. If they need to be *at their destination* for 0115 then they would say ‘can you take me to X for 0115?’.

    Why is this person wanting picked up in the middle of the night, anyway?

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