Obviously this stuff happened 40 years ago but was just sitting looking at some random work stuff while WFH yesterday afternoon, and got woody like happened in class when I was a schoolboy. Twice.

I’m not taking anything apart from vitamins, the day before I skipped dinner and had a normal lunch plus a very large salad – nothing out of the ordinary. Sex life good and no lack of action the last week, so really not sure what yesterday was about.

Anyway I’m on here to ask if this has happened to anyone else my age, and is it a symptom of something else? Or maybe a last resurgence of testosterone before it really starts declining?


  1. M61 and it still happens, thankfully. Not like those teenage years, but nothing like a good boner to make you feel younger.

    No apparent reason? Yep, that sounds about right to me. Silly thing has a mind of its own. Wife and I are both glad the equipment still works.

  2. maybe a change in perspective/emotion. whatever spiritual shift is happening is most likely due to a shift in perspective with is shifting your emotions and allowing you to be more honest inside and present with yourself.

    maybe you stopped denying something internally and now you’re a little more free and boom…cue random boners.

    my personal guess- it’s something tied to what you are which is divine.


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